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Posts posted by Chickenspear

  1. “I’m not hearing any setbacks on Demko. [I’m] not hearing anything super bad about Demko’s rehab. But sometimes you’ve got to be prepared for the unprepared. So I think they might be poking around the goalie market, maybe a PTO, who knows.”


    “I’m not super concerned about Demko; I just think you have to protect yourselves. I just heard this week that they’re again poking around the goalie market, just making some calls, that’s all. The red flag is not out; he should be okay. But maybe his rehab is not going as fast as some like.”



    Just taking a little longer to recover is all.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

    This too, right in my wheelhouse. 

    I was in a MEWT in Quebec once jamming comms while the police raided a biker clubhouse, I am intimately aware of EW capabilities, and they have only gotten better since I slipped out of the loop.

    So you made their phones a mewt point?


    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    Correct me if I am wrong.


    But isnt the tech in that truck essentially all outlawed or inadmissible to that area of the world due to sanctions?


    If this is the case, shouldn't tesla/musk be in the hot seat about it?


    Yep. But he's a billionaire, so rules are more like 'suggestions'.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    According to Twitter, they are expecting over 20,000 protestors in Chicago. It’s Bigly. It’s so big it might be the biggest protest ever. 

    Is that like the expected 700,000 strong trucker border convoy that turned out to be like, 200?

    • Haha 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

    I think it's safe to say the number of people who must have consumed that bit of "news" with a chest covered in dorito crumbs and a 2L mountain dew in their lap, is greater than zero. It's also probably safe to say the irony was lost for most of those people.

    I hear the irony detecting gene gets nerfed with each consecutive generation of incest. The scientific name for this is Geneticae Hypocrisis.

    • Cheers 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

    I’m starting to wonder if this isn’t a “false flag “ of information directed for RuZ forces to think they are safe in areas.?


    we heard clearances were on the verge of happening from the US and Britain ..

    the this information doubled to tripled.


    my fingers are crossed that they want RuZ to light up ,.  So they can target more precisely with long range Drones they have.





    Sure hope so. I see a wonderful little target in eastern Kursk just begging to be cratered.


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    • chaos 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

    The Oilers haven't matched yet have they? Puckpedia has them on the Oilers roster as signed.

    I'm wondering - if they are unable to move a player, are they in a position that they can't match the offer? There must be some GM's trying to play hardball with them.

    No. Although Broberg and Holloway signed the offer sheets for St. Louis, they have them signed to the Oilers roster because no transfer of rights has happened yet.


    Yes, they are pretty fucked. They could match and be under the max offseason cap, but that would make them even more vulnerable in a cap dump trade they would absolutely have to make by season start, and they'd need to clear $7m+. They would have no draft picks left.

    • ThereItIs 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



    I haven't read the Guardian yet (thanks for the link), but in the WSJ story, the Germans are also blaming Ukraine.

    Just an excerpt from the guardian article:


    Roderich Kiesewetter, a member of the opposition CDU who serves on the foreign affairs committee of the German parliament, urged caution about the allegations raised in the WSJ report. He told German radio there were “intensive interests” in “letting all the clues lead back to Ukraine”, warning that this could be “part of the disinformation”.


    He said there continued to be an “extensive amount of murkiness” surrounding the case, and that it could not be ruled out that this was a “false flag” operation – an attempt to push the blame on to Ukraine. He added that the pipelines had only been destroyed “once it was … clear that gas would never flow through them again”.


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  9. 39 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

    Where can I see a trustworthy map of current occupations?

    Id like to know what Russia still hold in Ukraine and vice versa.  
    Is the plan to control enough land in Russia to use for a negation to get all rightful land back to Ukraine?

    From Institute for the Study of War:

    Interactive: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/36a7f6a6f5a9448496de641cf64bd375

    Timelapse: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/733fe90805894bfc8562d90b106aa895



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  10. 3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

    small town. little shopping area. bank, QF, liquor store + about 4 more little businesses


    maybe time for some security though, sad as that is 


    Oh yeah, Nanoose area right?

    • ThereItIs 1
  11. 2 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

    Saw a dude walk out the in-door of the grocery store just now, full basket had not paid, was pretending to look at the flowers outside. Then he jogged away.


    I got the description, went inside and interupted the cashier doing her transaction for a customer.


    I quickly explained what I saw...

    She said "i didn't see it"

    Me: I did, thats why Im telling you

    Her: ok ( she went back to her customer)

    Me: do you have any protocol for that?

    Her: (blank stare , back to customer)


    I went and found some Bubly to buy ( ran out of Co2 for my soda stream) and put myself in her line up....


    Me: sorry to catch you off gaurd, just hoped you could let a mgr know to get a still frame from you cameras of that guy, for the cops 

    Her: she's busy, she cant look right now

    Me: not asking her to, make sure you note the time and she can do it later...

    Her: (dirty look) It happens more and more these days, thats why our taxes go up!

    Me: I hear you, I used to deal with lots of theft in my past jobs  ( LIquor stores) 

    Her: do you have a discount points card?

    Me: you see, you must make sure you do your due diligence or it will hapen more. Dont let these guys get away with it

    Her: I didnt see him, I have to work, what are we supposed to do? easy for you to say, we have to deal with these criminals...

    Me: I know, it must be hard. Have a nice day.


    That was the closest I have come to pulling out my Corrections ID... I was very close to saying "no, I kind have to deal with criminals at a level you will never know"

    I didn't. It's not her fault but she's been there for years, she knows she was being lazy and decided to be lame.

    I meant what i said to her, if everyone does their part, change can happen.


    I was once a part of a group called BarWatch. We were able to stop many gangsters from getting into nightclubs DT Van. It was done by all the clubs taking part on making sure these offenders didn't get into any of our establishments by sharing offeneces through a front door id swipe token system. 

    You screw up at one club, you dont get into any.

    A community can come together and all pitch in. Like a nieghbourhood watch. 






    I think most grocery stores have security on-site, whether it's in an office watching cameras, or a 'secret shopper', like the Fairway I go to (yeah, I see you:classic_tongue:). If he was already outside before he took off, there's no chance security would be able to catch him anyway. Take solace in the fact that he's likely been marked for his next visit.

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