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  1. Lolll sorry. I was being flamed by everyone for making a comment they may lose 1 game either Buffalo or Columbus. so you’re aware at how insufferable leafs fans are
  2. It’s the fact you searched me specially for that quote. Half the time I’m trolling on here for shits and giggles. Yeah I’m wrong most of the time that’s why I don’t play proline. you’re unreal seriously. If someone doesn’t agree with you, you crap all over them. Btw all of this hate I’m getting because I said they most likely lose ONE of these games. God forbid I say someone so outrageous. and I am happy to be wrong!!! from now on, I’ll be like everyone else on here and worship the words you type.
  3. Wow. I appreciate your mature reply! And you’re 100% correct. If they lose one of those games, means nothing. they will continue tearing it up for sure
  4. I live in a Toronto. Everyone I know including my brother has a leaf jersey. Not difficult to come by.
  5. Why so cynical. I don’t get it. I lived in Surrey for 2 years back when I was 18. I’m not a homer fan. I know when there are weaknesses and I know they still need another top 6. Come playoff time, the “lotto line” will be shut down. did you really go back to December to find a quote???
  6. Nooooo one can be more thrilled that they are tearing it up than me believe me. I’ve been a fan for almost 29 years! That’s longer than most of you guys have been alive for!! I’m just saying, they’ve been playing at 100% since jersey. Plus they have that stupid 10 am game! It’s really the early game that has me concerned. fatigue catches up. hey if I’m wrong, I’ll wear a maple leafs jersey in public for an entire day, and you guys know how much I loathe Toronto maple leafs!!!!
  7. Lollll hey I’ll love it if they win both games!!! I’m speaking realistically. Then again I did type out they would lose to the rangers.
  8. I’m wondering if how the dynamics of the dressing rooms, coaching, and just all around arse kicking… will the pending rfa’s love to resign with Vancouver or not.
  9. these broadcasters are insufferable! There so blatantly biased and are life long pengiun fans. Makes me want to puke and then drink my own puke
  10. Someone remind me what he did over here in the nhl for him to flee like that
  11. True, however, the man has made 6 million for years. I’m sure he would take a discount to stay on a winning team especially with the bonds he has made throughout the years
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