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NHL Grinder

NHL Grinder (10/14)

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  1. Man. I've been wanting to play again but these small games end up with me rolling wolf and having to put in way more effort/time than I have during a busy season in life. If it was a larger game I'd be down.
  2. In my opinion it is much easier to wolf well than village well in a vacuum. I'm not sure how long it's been since before the last game -- years, correct? So people being out of practice along with years-old meta is another factor. It's challenging to come back and do as well as before especially when you're up with good players. At any rate, I'm going to be bringing a homie of mine to the next one whenever it runs. I think a lot of people would enjoy playing on here.
  3. For anyone hosting: setups like this: simple and without a vig and no 3ps tend to be the best ones as they are purer tests of skill
  4. And thanks KZA for hosting, I liked the setup
  5. Damn. Sorry town, and very well played wolves @Blue Jay 22 You were a good sport and I had a lot of fun playing with you this game even tho we butt heads. I was hoping you’d vote 112 — I was going to vote him over you like I did when I thought it was LYLO I’m not sure if I would have gotten to ilunga in F3. But I did find you really towny in lylo and I found it hard to pull the trigger on you, especially when we interacted live. In F3 I would have reread the game and I do remember thinking ilunga’s vote history was questionable I unironically think you played really well, especially after being tunneled by so many townies all game, it was a pleasure Hm what else? I think ilunga and Aladeen did well at coming across as logical in a sea of chaos. I tend to misread these kinds of wolves — something to work on 112 and TL were pretty smooth A lot of goofy shit happened this game. ZFetch, brad prolly another elimination I’m forgetting were all throws — atrocious plays that hurt our equity But it was a lot of fun and this is my favorite site to play on now lmao
  6. No Lots of bad town play this game and an L isn’t on a single person
  7. From my point of view, a you/112 team still could exist and I got stuck with potato sacks volunteering themselves to be mislynched for the loss If you’re now convinced that crossing 112 in F3 is the move, why not just cross him here?
  8. My concern is that any good wolf team would thunderdome SS here in the event he is town
  9. Why not lock the vote on 112 tho?
  10. Everyone’s online except ilunga right? well I’m confirming I’m not hammering if bj/SS are both town and the team is 112/ilunga please end it
  11. Sucks that I’ve voted and pushed all of BJ/112/SS this game and got left out to dry for potato wolves and obvious villagers
  12. ilunga is town and so am I there’s 2 scum in you/SS/BJ You two cross voting and locking votes forces yall to thunderdome and town can generate info with the knowledge there’s a confirmed scum between yall
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