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Inspector BlakeQuinn

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  1. Everything said in that video is 100% the truth. Yes she is a great mom, she's good friends with my wife. I said in my original post it was taken on a camera phone at the rally which is why it's a Facebook link. Keep burying your heads in the sand. Hindsight is always 20/20. I'm that dad too... parent teacher interviews will be interesting this year when I bring up the cross dressing dress wearing teacher who talks about in appropriate things with children Fuck all of you weird perverts
  2. Click here to see a great speech on the dangers of sogi in schools. Hold down on the link and open it in a new tab on mobile. this is taken on a cell phone from the surrey rally yesterday in front of the education ministers office. This should answer all my "unanswered questions" Go Canucks Go!!
  3. Lol wow you people are so messed up I can't believe there is people like you. I don't know a singe parent who supports sogi. None of my Co workers (construction industry) Like I'm baffled. I doubt any of you are even teachers. Probably unemployed still living in your moms basement with blue hair. Save our children from this madness
  4. Well since you're so obsessed with my junk... I said child mutilation not genital mutilation. I was noy circumcised at birth I had it done later in life due to blood restriction (4 years old) But we are getting off topic
  5. Circumcision is not child mutilation. Yes I am circumcised. Child mutilation is hormone therapy. You're either male or female. Period. Transgenderism is mental health
  6. I like how you resort to sarcasm instead of acknowledging that this world is going to hell in a hand basket. I'm not even religious but most religious people are kind hearted people. A few perverted priests hide behind the cross... are you telling me there isn't some perverted trannies hiding behind the rainbow going into the little girl's bathroom??? If anyone needs anything... you need Jesus.
  7. While we're on that topic... The average covid death age is higher than the average life expectancy. But here most of you are probably wearing a mask while you drive. Covid, pro sogi, pro Child mutilation, I'm lost with you people.
  8. Change the curriculum. And on other topics.. Scrap the carbon tax Remove some bureaucracy and create more Jobs by boosting home building which will hopefully drop prices a bit. Change is good. Trudeau has ruined this country
  9. Conversion therapy and cases of kids coming out as Trans has increased tenfold. Like 4000% higher than pre sogi curriculum. Any kid that feels a bit lost or left out is using this as somewhere to feel welcome. Once you start conversion it's irreversible. You can't re start puberty. I don't care if you're homosexual. This stuff does not Belong IN SCHOOLS. I CANT BELIEVE THE PEOPLE IN HERE. I PRAY FOR YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS IF U HAVE THEM THIS WORLD IS SICK. just wait until we have a conservative government again. There is a big mess to clean up but it can be done. Pierre Polievre : Jim Rutherford Justin Trudeau : Jim Benning
  10. I never saw any of that. Most protests had a political direction. Not at educators. There's always going to be some bad apples you don't need to let them sour the real message
  11. Those children deserve a safe place. For sure. That's what the counselor is for. It should be exempt from the standard curriculums though. It is highly sexualized and inappropriate imo.
  12. Look around the country. There is no hate or bigotry. It's parents tired of government over reach. Teachers are public servants. Well the public has spoken Transgenderism should not be taught to elementary and middle school kids. Their minds can't comprehend it.
  13. Sexual orientation and gender ideology. They teach kids about mastirbation... that's something you just figure out on your own... some kids 6 years old or younger. There is no regulation to sogi. One teacher may never bring anything like this up where others will teach it to grade 1 students. With the backing of their institution and government. You clearly don't have any teachers like that at your work. Thankfully
  14. He most definitely will be our PM... You support Trudeau lol ... I don't even know why I'm wasting my time here. Better stick to CT.
  15. 7 year old students are being sent home questionnaires. What gender are you.... are you sure..... what gender do you see yourself being in 10 years. 7 years old. This isn't lies this is friends of mine. Like we aren't pulling this out of our asses. You people just blindly believe whatever the news tells you. There is something terrible and toxic in the public school system.
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