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  1. fine with this honestly, I'm a liability at this point please please just flip zfetch. i'm wagering my life on this bet
  2. for the actual love of christ. remember my reads once I flip. promise me with a blood oath that you will fucking murder zfetch after I flip. I stg if he gets to sneak his way past another lynch I will absolutely riot I will personally rage against every dbp voter in postgame if you let wolves win. If zfetch is a wolf I will gloat like the world has never seen before
  3. I'll vote qwags for self-pres if I have to. luckylager asked me to choose between zfetch and qwags because he thinks SD is a waste of time. I chose zfetch. Now that I think SD is actually town, my vote is on zfetch.
  4. I've been here for the last 3 fucking hours what are you saying
  5. yeah that's why I went out of my way to unvote Snake Doctor, an easy as shit lynch on who is most likely the real PR, and stuck my neck out to find a better option. Because if I let town lynch the vigilante, the game would be too easy. you got me if zfetch flips green, or snake doctor flips red, whichever lynch goes through, just assassinate me in the night, because I am a lost cause.
  6. because he's scummy as shit, he's been scummy as shit, the main counterwagon is most likely the actual vigilante, and the other counterwagon is me so, there you go
  7. that's the point. they didn't. if you take you guys's zfetch take to its logical conclusion, then every single person on the Max Brown wagon MUST BE TOWN, which might be the case, but I can point you to plenty of other games where the same exact thing happens but wolves end up on a wolf wagon.
  8. This shit happens in CFDs all the time. You can't lock clear a player who, by almost all accounts, was wolfy as shit until he placed his vote somewhere that ENDED UP HAPPENING to lynch a red. If he knew with certainty that his vote swap wasn't needed, he wouldn't have done it. I've done the same thing before as a wolf. It happens.
  9. ngl I think you are all taking that CFD too seriously. there is no real reading of EoD2 that makes any sense from a "rational actors" perspective. i'm guessing that the fog of war played into it, but more importantly: if the wolves thought that Max Brown was going to die, they would want at least wolf on that wagon in order to save face. Do you think zfetch KNEW that his vote would be the one that killed Max Brown? With just minutes left? Did WOLVES know that it was possible to SAVE Max Brown given the circumstances? Wolves would have been talking in wolf-chat, all screaming at each other trying to decide what to do at the LITERAL LAST MINUTE of the phase. They most likely decided, in that last minute, that "Max Brown is a lost cause, let's cut our losses" and stuck zfetch on there in order to save face. Because here you guys are, right now, basically lock-clearing zfetch for *exactly that reason.* For all intents and purposes, their plan worked. Even if they lost Max Brown in the process, who was dead weight anyway.
  10. "false narrative agenda" is me trying to piece together different pieces of evidence in the way that makes the most logical sense overall 655 having a town read on you does not fundamentally change any of the patterns I've observed.
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