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About Shirotashi

  • Birthday 05/21/1976

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    Victoria BC

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  1. The really REAL tests are coming up over the next few days. Nash is hot rn and Dallas is still pretty good. My valuation on wether or not they are for real will be tested.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shirotashi


      Yeah thank you.... I see this as a better point to adjust my valuation as the 

      Canucks are clicking and so is Nash and Dallas. None of those teams have 

      have an excuse for a bad game. 


      But your right you have to consider that they are on the road for sure. Im just

      hoping we dont sh!t the bed.

    3. coquitlamdave


      80 something tests for these guys.  Gotta perform your best in each one.  Thats the awesome grind of the NHL.   


    4. Shirotashi


      its more than 80 tests its more than this team or that team. A valuation 

      is something that if your honest you build over the course of years and playoff

      series. Seattle was lights out last year you think anyone thinks they are elite?


      We are on the path to sustainable eliteness. Not just a flash in the pan. Im talking

      dynasty. I see that as a possibility for this team.

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