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  1. Ok, if so they should vote for it on it's own merit. Probably lots of other Dem showstoppers attached. The Dems won't give up open borders so forget about trying to enforce the border while they are in power. Never never vote for legalized open borders.
  2. Biden is saying open borders (the "security" bill) or no Ukraine aid. Is he providing a separate bill to just fund Ukraine? I don't know. If he is then you have an arguement. I don't understand that nazi / vermin rantings btw. if I'm not mistaken the senate leader is filmed stating no ukraine aid without open borders (border security bill). Maybe I am mistken but that is the reality anyway.
  3. The so called border deal is something I do know about, and no deal is better than that deal. The so called Republicans (RINOS) that put it forward along with the Dems should be extricated from the party. Typical out of touch with the common man, never been to a grocery store, nut job politicians (or criminals). I've posted more than enough on this in the US politics thread.
  4. That's good and probably why Putin is getting crazier. Better that it would be the export facility.
  5. All I know is border security and Ukraine aid are tied together. No separate bills provided, last I heard.
  6. Do you know why they are not approving the bill? I have suspicions but maybe you know better.
  7. I definitely do NOT know it. The time for "response" is over with. The question is what do we do now? What is weak is Democrats desperately trying to blame a president from 4 years ago for a situation they are totally responsible for.
  8. Appeasement is allowing Russian crude to freely flow. This would be over if Biden had the brain or guts to enforce sanctions. The military response is also weaker than would have happened if Putin backstabbed Trump. Putin knew it.
  9. US politics? But hey, since it's you, the Chinese just provided the raw material, the important part, the T, was done right here in the USA! (whatever, I could care less). I suppose he should get Don Jr to do some paintings.
  10. That's how long the pandemic effected trump. You posted it effected half his term, but it was at the tail end.
  11. Elections in November 2020, lockdown in march 2020?
  12. Deferring expansion is hardly Chamberlainesque. If you want to hang that on someone put it on Obama and the 2014 Euro regime.
  13. Luck is always possible, but the pandemic was an issue for less than a year.
  14. Kevin O'leary thinks the verdict is a joke and will be easily overturned, or all real estate pros will be going to jail. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kevin-o-leary-slams-trump-s-civil-ruling-as-un-american-and-a-shock-to-the-entire-real-estate-industry/ar-BB1ipdNg
  15. Well Trump did prevent war over his term. Smart enough to know not to push NATO membership for Ukraine for one thing, as Putin stressed it was a no go, whereas Biden insisted on leaving it on the table. My guess is that most of the large majority of people who think the invasion wouldn't have happened on Trump's watch probably would say it was his crazy/tough persona combined with his wish to make allies of enemies as was the case with both Kim Jong and Putin. It kept the peace. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/president-trumps-instincts-on-ukraine-have-been-bad-but-hes-right-about-one-thing/ https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/08/biden-didnt-accept-putins-red-line-on-ukraine-what-it-means.html
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