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TUSK v2.0

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  1. Its funny that you are all over this, is this your first post about the game tonight? that there is a problem?
  2. no worries, I put another Phil deGuseppi pizza in the oven, ready for the 3rd period. It looks like pizza for breakfast tomorrow.
  3. Well to start the game was a rising crust Phil DeGuseppie cheeze but I add fresh onions, peppers, olives and feta and then after 10 mins I add more cheeze.
  4. No, they come after the game saying we won, BUT... we need this. we need that. More size in the D.... We do need a debbie downer icon or the EEYOUR from winnie the poo.
  5. My Pizza is extra great tonight! never under estimate a good freezere pizza with extra topings. thank you Digeseppi
  6. Cause they are gonna lose that wildcard spot to Calgary or Seattle. LOL. doesnt matter, we are a 100 million dollar team. We spend the money on coaching rather than Cap and fake doctors.
  7. Hellebuck is the key. Got to get under his skin. Myers would do that, but maybe we gotta wait for playoffs for that! Hellebuck has so many quirks, watch him pregame and during anthem... someone just has to poke fun at him a bit and he will be ours.
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