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Posts posted by HarbularyBattery

  1. 1 minute ago, RookieFan said:

    Canucks are getting every bounce tonight like wow how lucky can you be right?


    If Edmonton had a better goalie they would still be in it 

    if Edmonton had a better city, a better constructed roster, less whiny crybabies, and well basically were anything except whta they are now, they would be less contemptible 

  2. Just now, wai_lai416 said:

    his lack of adaptibility and willingness to change is showing.. if you watched his phoenix days when he beat the nashville and got stomped out by colorado.. and then u watch the series with nashville.. they literally played the exact same way in all 3 series.. he barely even made a lineup change in any of those 3 series.. best coaching staff we've ever had?? now that's a reach and a big disrepect to Quinn and heck even AV.. he's got a long way to go before he's anywhere up there.

    dude chill


    we won game 1 and nearly won game 2


    revamping everything and killing the existing chemistry is stupid AF

  3. there is actually so much riding on this


    edmonton CANNOT win a stanley cup


    like ever


    mcdavid and draisaigl and nurse are AWFUL people. And corey perry? needs to finish out his career in the most embarassing and pathetic fashion possible.


    this would be the most RIGHTEOUS and JUST outcome. 


    good things must NOT be allowed to happen to the worst people (edmontons current crop of douchebuckets - both players and fans alike)


    its up to the CANUCKS to prevent a truly awful thing from happening


    this isnt about the canucks winning the cup


    its about preventing EDMONTON from doing so. 


    Edit: you are probably judging me for the above. Well, soon enough your hatred for the COILERs will surpass your love for our canucks. trust me. I just arrived there sooner.


    you shall not pass the lord of the rings GIF

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  4. 1 minute ago, NucksNation said:

    One thing that really pissed me off is that the team barely went after Draisaitl. The only one who hit him all night was Joshua. Dude barely played last game  because he was hurt and we don’t hit him every chance we get? 


    because our guys werent looking to cheapshot him


    make the hit when theres a legit one available otherwise stay honorable

  5. Just now, Alflives said:

    Another tidbit from the Hamas charter. Again paraphrased: when Islam rules it will destroy those organizations that don’t follow. 

    Hamas is an evil entity. They are a terrorist group. 

    what on earth point are you trying to make 


    hamas is obviously a terrorist organization, theyre not the 1st in the region or the world


    the last time there was a palestinian terrorist organization (the PLO), they were defeated by diplomacy not carpetbombing 30,000 civilians

    • ThereItIs 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


    Certainly Palestinians have a right to be angry.


    What I am suggesting is that the route to peace is not served by empowering Hamas in their communities. The route to peace has to include foreign intervention, ideally / obviously not Israel. Foreign intervention because the nature of many regime's in the ME is they rule by militant violent control. The primary purpose of pointing to such widespread abuse is to note that ignoring it re-occurring with Hamas will not solve problems either.     

    i dont think theres a single person ive seen here who thinks that hamas is part of the solution


    that said, sometimes when theres belief that you have a partner operating in good faith on the other side, its possible to surprise people and pivot from violence to peace just like the PLO and the IRA did. that requires everyone to cool the fk down and for people on both sides to believe that the other actually wants peace.


    no israeli is going to believe hamas wants to make peace, and no palestinian is going to believe that netanyahu wants peace. both parties have made it explicitely clear that they will not tolerate the existence of the other. hamas wont tolerate an israeli state, and netanyahu (and the entire likud party) wont tolerate a palestinian state anywhere from the red sea to the jordan river (in the likud charter). 


    so lets walk through this logically, what concessions are both attainable and reasonable that the palestinians can make, and what can israel do.


    we can take inventory of what chips both sides even have left


    the militant Palestinians can renounce violence (doable, theyve done it before when the PLO laid down its weapons)

    Israel can withdraw from the west bank and end this attack on the palestinians right to have their own state. with the caveat that the state lines should actually be a feasible state. two tiny non-contiguous landmasses isnt going to work


    thats where we were at in the 1990s. how do we do better than that?

  7. 1 minute ago, I.Am.Ironman said:


    No there isn't a rule, they are allowed to make those calls but it is an etiquette thing to leave it to the 2 referees. It's stupid but that's the way it is. It gets super frustrating in instances like last night where that missed call likely dictates the outcome of the game.

    that seems insane that etiquette is prioritized over doing the right thing


    linesmen should be calling stuff like this. they dont have to call everything but if something egregious isnt getting called by the two referees, they need to do whats right instead of deferring to the rights of the referees to be blind and miss stuff

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