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Posts posted by HarbularyBattery

  1. 7 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


    Have you looked at the ethnic makeup / diversity of;


    Jordan?   94% Arab

    Syria?     70% Arab, balance Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Circassians, Mandeans and Turkomen. Virtually all Muslim. The largest are the Kurds at 2.5M of 21 Million.

    Gaza?    92 percent of West Bankers and 99 percent of Gazans are Sunni Muslim, the rest Christians.

    Egypt?   90% Muslim.

    Iraq?    98% Muslim, interesting as 20 years ago it had 2 Million Christians & several hundred thousand Jews. 55% Sunni / 40 Sunni among including 10% non Arab Kurd.

    Turkey?   80%; Ethnic Turks are a vast majority ethnic group at over 80 %. While heavily persecuted Kurds at 20% makeup almost all of the balance.

    Yemen?   Has a rough 65% / 35 % Sunni / Shia mix with less than 1% of residents non Muslim.

    S. Arabia?  80% are Arab, Combinations of Syrian & Afro Arab settled thousands of years, all Sunni Muslim makeup 15%? Whites aprox 100,000. Foreign workers 5%.

    Israel?  74% Jewish, 18% Muslim, 2 % Christian & 1.6% Druce.

    Lebanon?   1/3 Sunni Arab, 1/3 Shii Arab, 1/3rd Christian.  


    Seeing almost all ME countries, notably Iraq & Turkey, having disposed of virtually all minorities. Millions upon millions in the last thirty years. Many recently, and its similar in Africa & all the Stans. Where places like Syria, Yemen & Iraq having the biggest diversity of Muslim or Arab cultures, next being Lebanon? These specifically are in almost constant civil war fighting for internal controls. It's not surprising those not allowed undisputed domain in Israel call foul? That all these attacked Israel in 1948! 


    They claim Palestinians are mistreated, which they are. That said? Were minorities treated better in Syria or Jordan! Those on death row, life sentences do not make the best harbingers, polling regarding social justice laws others. Hamas; 'I like to kill and dispose of everybody?' I don't think anyone else should be allowed!


    Turkey has been doing it slowly, but still radically like Hitler for hundreds of years. 


    When does Apartheid become ethnic cleansing; after everyone else is gone in your Middle Eastern neighborhood of choice?







    Im not out here saying that these governments are good. Assad is evil, Saddam was evil, the Ayatollahs in Iran are evil, and you know what so is the entire saudi royal family. And youve listed out a ton of historical injustices that actually perfectly explain and in some cases justify the sometimes violent responses of the persecuted. The people here agreeing with you and liking this post dont have any clue that the injustices you mention has created rebellions, terrorist organizations, and massive civilian casualties, also perpetrated by the victims. The PKK just as one example. 


    Whats frustrating is your response to me is just pure whataboutism. Im here trying to explain why organizations like Hamas even exist in the first place, and why Palestinians FEEL angry. There are posters in here who try to explain it away as "they hate the jews" when its not that at all. I provided a clear cut and indisputable case of Apartheid (in the west bank) and yours and other posters response is to deflect it and say "what about all these OTHER bad people in the middle east who are so much worse than israel" because for some reason youre incapable of acknowledging that Palestinians have been persecuted to the point of feeling righteous anger at oppression. Either that, or you think im just criticizing israel for the sake of criticizing israel. Me criticizing Israel's treatment of Palestinians in NO way takes away from the same righteous anger of other persecuted groups across the middle east and the world. The Ukrainians have EVERY right to fight back against Russia. The Kurds have EVERY right to fight for their national identity and for their own state. And the Israelis? Have EVERY right to fight against Hamas. And the Palestinians have EVERY right to fight for their right to return home AND against a system of apartheid in the west bank, among other things. Me talking about one of these things in a post doesn't take away from all of the others.


    The entire point I'm trying to make that none of you seem to get is that the anger Palestinians feel is not random or "jew hatred", it comes from actions that Israel has taken that are actually not hard to fix- LIKE a system of apartheid in the west bank. But if your response is to ignore that and just say "well other people are worse", im done posting in this thread because clearly nobody has any interst in listening to anything outside of their bias. 

    • Cheers 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    How about we just discuss Israel and it's issues on its own merits? Trying to force an analogue that doesn't really fit doesn't help us identify the unique issues going on, imo.

    couldnt agree more, no need to force an analogy that doesnt apply. apartheid though has a legal definition, and this is it, is this not accurate based on the info above?


    anyway game is starting, go canucks go


    Apartheid refers to the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights


    anyway game is starting, go canucks go

  3. 6 minutes ago, Guntrix said:

    Edmonton having an AHL-level defense and goaltending after picking early for over half a decade is borderline criminal.


    The Oilers should’ve never had so many 1st OA picks. It’s anti hockey. Anyone who cares about the integrity of the sport should be rooting against them. 


    theyve been horrendously managed. so have we, but we havent had anywhere NEAR the opportunities they've had


    like, with mcdavid and draisaitl, a cup should be easy for them


    and its not like goaltenders and defensemen havent been available in trade or ufa


    the incompetence is truly biblical

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Googlie said:


    He played 54 games in the regular season - 124 NHL games overall.


    still dont know why that would warrant swapping him out for cole


    cole was steady as hell all series against nashville and ate up extremely hard minutes all season long for us, hes a proven playoff performer over multiple season and playoff series. 


    if we didnt have cole for sure juulsen would deserve a shot (he is a capable 6th dman on most teams) but we have great depth. if cole puts up a few more stinkers then maybe

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  5. 36 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

    Tonight, we are going to score 1st, and we're going to put them back on their heels. Including the regular season, we are now 5 and 0 against the Oilers this year and that has to be starting to work on their minds. No stupid penalties tonight, keep out of the box. Get the puck deep and work their D in the corner. They are not a good defensive team inside their own zone as we saw all season long. They struggle with speed on the forecheck and are highly subject to turnovers.


    5-3 Canucks and head to Edmonton up 2 - 0 in the series.


    For all the doubters:

    jim carrey hip thrusts GIF



    they are pure trash in their own zone and defending off the rush


    their reads are so bad they're borderline illiterate


    the land rover defender is more reliable than any of edmontons defenders (except ekholm)


    edmonton has once again failed to ice an nhl caliber defense and starting goaltender


    if mcdavid is contained its all over for them


    the key is not sitting back like LA did. their vulnerability is defending against speedy entries and a hard forecheck. and skinners reads SUCK off the rush. 


    Anyway canucks 8, edmonton 1. and i think its interesting that we'll have chosen to go with our 1st powerplay unit. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, kilgore said:


    No.  Not only because I agree with others that he'll find his game.  He'll also work on strength this summer. Even though I think he will never be able to grow his bones much more. His structure is on a thin frame. That will never change.  He won't put on 40 lbs of muscle because there is nothing to hang it on.  He has to develop to be wirey strong, not bulk strong.  He, like Gretzky, has to learn how to avoid checks.  And leave the big hits to Z and co.


    But also...even if management were that fickle to immediately trade him away right after signing a huge contract, if Petey does not improve this playoffs to a 11.6 value, good luck in what you will get back.  And you just know that with Canuck Luck, he will turn it around on his new team and lay a beating down on the Canucks every time he plays us.


    I personally thought it was wrong to sign him before the Summer.   Hated that the media just pounded the pressure with fake stories about Petey leaving if we didn't sign him NOW.  Even though Petey himself never had that in his mind at all.  Waiting until the Summer would have honoured Petey's wishes, AND would have given management the opportunity to watch him in this years playoffs.  I think Petey wanted to play with less pressure and to prove he was worth the big  bucks as a personal challenge for the post season.  So it went from a personal challenge to the pressure of living up to the highest paid player on the team overnight.  I suspect we'd see a better version of Petey if he hadn't signed before he wanted to.


    And if he, gawd forbid, underperforms all the way through, then management could have made a lower offer.  Benning f'd up as usual and crammed the cap full of scrubs or we could have had him for 7x7 a few years ago.  I think Petey is actually more like a $10 mill player, but whatever. Sometimes ya just gotta overpay to have nice things.  Oops, am I getting too negative? Sorry.  I'll conclude by saying I have still high hopes for Petey. He's still relatively young. He'll learn how to adapt and train his body the best way to fight through games when they get more physical. I really think he still needs to find linemates that he can work with.  I pray that will happen next season at least.

    i think petey had a monster offseason before last year. he looked very strong on his skates, had added bulk, and just dominated.


    wonder if he took it a bit easier this past summer thinking he had it in the bag. 


    i think this next season we see the most beast petey we've seen yet


    the biggest things?


    1. if he can add 10-15lbs, it would make a world of difference

    2. if he can add a tiny bit of acceleration. hes already fast, but just a bit more. 


    both those things will help him generate all the space he needs. 


    that, and we need to put another offensive threat on his line so he doesnt get swarmed. nobodys afraid of mikheyev.


    if we can bring back toffoli and put him on peteys wing, thats a line i think that opponents would have to respect the dual threat

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/8/2024 at 6:38 PM, Bob Long said:


    A lot. It seems like there's an idea here that Israel is somehow responsible both for their own actions, as well as Hamas, oh and they should also trust that Hamas will stop attacking.




    I simply don't agree with the apartheid analogy.


    Its basically impossible to argue that whats going on in the occupied territories (The west bank) is not apartheid




    ^ the street above now allows Palestinians to walk on both sides, but theres many of these streets its not just one. Its basically any area in the vicinity of an illegal Israeli settlement. 




    Its not part of Israel, its occupied territory, and within it, the israeli military has chopped it up and set up certain streets Palestinians are not allowed to walk, or not allowed to drive. 


    If you want to see a video of this actually being enforced, here it is. Israel doesn't deny this or try to hide it at all.




    Whats going on inside Israel itself is NOT apartheid, this is the part most people get wrong. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, stawns said:


    Sorry, I don't subscribe to the victim mentality, especially ahead of time.  It's a smh situation seeing people get their inner victim ready to come out 6-12 hours before game time 

    tbh i think hes just an atrocious ref, i think people blow the "he hates the canucks" thing out of proportion.


    hes just grossly incompetent. unfortunately thats cost us in the past, but that could easily go against the oilers this time


    so yea i agree, non issue. 


    just be prepared for some hilariously stupid calls potentially in our favour, or against

    • Cheers 3
  9. 1 minute ago, Googlie said:


    How does he get that experience then?


    e.g. Silovs hasn't played a ton of games vs NHL opponents.  Hoglander hasn't played in many playoff games.


    You get experience by "experiencing" those matchups


    its a different story for me if juulsen got that experience this past year. but he was in and out of the lineup a ton, and also played some sheltered minutes.


    the stakes are too high in the playoffs to be learning on the job. obviously if someone gets injured its a different story, he has to step in. but now isnt the time to be messing around with trying out our 7th defenseman to give him experience.


    give him that experience next year, in the regular season. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


    Cole played 13 minutes last night.  I'm pretty sure Juulsen can take up those minutes.  He was literally our worst Dman and we still won...

    i dont mean last night though i mean in general across multiple games


    cole had a bad night but hes been pretty steady


    i know juulsen is too but on an average night id rather see cole facing down mcdonkey rather than juulsen

    • Cheers 3
  11. 6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


    You could simply play Juulsen as the 7th Dman and take Cole's spot when they need to give him a rest.  Cole isn't great at handling the puck on his off side.  He's made several mistakes that I noticed just from the last game.  You could double shift guys to make up the difference on the 4th line.  It's not ideal, but it may be better than having Lafferty in the lineup who doesn't do much and then also have Cole playing an entire game on his off side.


    Either that or you simply take Cole out and replace with Juulsen...

    i dont know this to be true for sure but i feel like ive seen cole play a ton of minutes against top competition


    i dont know if juulsen has the experience to handle those matchups yet

  12. 3 minutes ago, HKSR said:

    Maybe... maybe not.  If EP gets his game back, we'd have 3 top tier lines.  

    dallas has 3x top tier lines, their 3rd line has 2x 25 goal scorers

    a very very good d-core


    and top tier goaltending


    we need to be firing on all cylinders to beat them


    side note, they drafted absurdly well, jfc


    wyatt johnson, stankoven, jason robertson, roope hintz



  13. 4 hours ago, Falcons said:

    There are some key players that have showed up in these playoffs and will be ufa’s this year and next.



    Should the Canucks shop Petey for a trade ( salary dump) if needed to keep these players on the team?


    Peteys single biggest problem is that he is not physically able to create space for himself. hes come along way but hes still way too light for his frame. 


    +20 pounds in the gym this offseason and hes going to be a monster. 


    imagine all that skill, but just being able to skate through people instead of a million dipsydoodles. 


    it would be a giant mistake to give up on a 90 point player who has had 2 incredible seasons despite not being anywhere near his potential physical peak. 




  14. On 4/28/2024 at 1:22 PM, Hammertime said:

    I think it's pretty plain to see during this playoff run. With the way our line up is currently constructed Pete is kind of in no man's land with wingers like Mikheyev, Lafferty. I think realistically Hronek and Boeser are pieces with the market value and cap hits to make the needed cap room and return the pieces we need to make this team a sustained contender. Especially if we go deep and they show well. 




    Out: Brock Boeser

    In: Mid 1st (Jiricek/Iginla/Nygard/Yak/Helenius/Hemming/)+ Prospect, cap space


    Out:  Hronek, 1st, Lekkerimaki. Maybe 3 way deal?

    In: Brady Tkachuck 


    Signed: Chris Tanev 





    Theres a little wiggle room on cap. If Blueger happens to be a cap casualty that's unfortunate but I feel like MGMT have shown the ability to plug holes when needed.  


    Go Canucks Go. 



    i think with this situation we still remain a 2 line team. only this time itll be lindholm without good linemates instead of EP.


    personally i think we should give hronek his QO, its like 5.2m or something and see if he can hold his own on his own pair. 


    also think silovs takes the backup job, no need to re-sign desmith. 


    would keep lekerimakki, hes got a shot at coming in and being a top-6 forward next year or the year after, on an ELC. that would be insanely valuable for us. 


    realistically we COULD buyout mikheyev. his cap hit isnt too bad. we may even be able to squeeze in toffoli if he took 4m a year. 


    we let blueger go to free up some cash too. 






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  15. Just now, coolboarder said:

    Just a waste of their focus on certain player.  They need defense and goaltender and they have focused on players like this.  Talk about priority.  


    just unbelievable levels of stupidity. 


    even the zach hyman signing. i know he scored 50 goals but they could have put ANY finisher next to mcdavid. there was no need to overpay for maple leaf castoffs. 


    edmonton fans know this as well, i peeked a their board and they're evicerating management for such shitty roster construction


    also fking hilarious that they committed 5m per year to jack campbell 

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