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Posts posted by HarbularyBattery

  1. 22 minutes ago, JeremyCuddles said:

    If they truly love it here take what you're worth. Somewhere around DeMelo money. DeMelo is the much better player too. Besides, we have Dillon as an option too, who I'm sure would come cheaper. Overpaying Zads is not ideal, I love him as much as everyone else, but we got to be smart about the cap. 5.5mil is too much for Zadorov given the landscape DeMelo set.

    4.5m/year is my personal thought on a cap for Zadorov


    For a very good 3rd pair defenseman who can slide up to the 2nd pair, thats already very high and accounts for the size premium

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  2. 1 minute ago, N4ZZY said:

    Yeah, this has been my frustration as well. We can never seem to make or sign solid deals. We always have ONE contract that's just really bad, and then we have to offer other teams draft picks to off load our mistake. At this rate, how does Allvin build a team with consistency if there's no ELC players to take the place of the aging core? Like is Petey going to want to be here in 3-4 years, when the team is rebuilding? 


    one bad contract (or more) is par for the course for all teams now


    Florida has 14.5m locked up in goalies (sorry, Bob is great, but that tandem is not 14.5m great) + 1.2m in dead cap from the yandle buyout and won the cup

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  3. 3 minutes ago, R3aL said:

    Ideally I would love to add carrier or a marino since then you could see how Hronek could move off the top pairing without it being who plays with Hughes? or give another guy a solid partner on the right side.


    Soucy-Myers were playing against Mcdavid in a matchup role and did quite well though.


    And Myers isn't exactly a sit back dman he needs a guy to cover him too as he takes risks. That's also why I think Soucy has been his best partner on our team.


    But if we signed Z, and Carrier at the expense of Myers:


    Hughes-Hronek or Hughes-Carrier

    Z/Soucy-Carrier or Z/Soucy-Hronek




    In a pretty cool world where salary cap angels helped us get to where we want, this d group would excite me:






    Im just not sure if signing or acquiring a guy at the expense of Myers at an increased cost will improve our team.




    I do agree if Myers can come back at 2.5m or so its kind of a no-brainer. Thats 3rd pair money, and makes it possible to fill the 2nd pair spot with someone great

  4. 4 minutes ago, R3aL said:

    I guess it would be Roy than the next option it would be Carrier.


    But Roy is getting more than Demelo hes going to be prolly in the 5-6M range.


    And Carrier is going to be in the 4-5M range with a UFA RHD pay bump.


    Myers on the open market would probably be able to get 4-5M as well on a short term deal from many teams.


    So Myers at 2.5-3.5 is probably a better option than a lot of RHD on the market value wise.

    Myers needs a partner though who can help retrieve and move the puck effectively, him and soucy got hemmed in a lot


     I think management is going to take a run at a puck mover like Marino or Carrier to get the puck up in transition better

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