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  1. Well that was fcking awesome! Thoroughly enjoyed that
  2. There was a lady in the video who ate a cat… but unfortunately for Trump, she was a local… lol
  3. thats awesome! Totally forgot about that 4 season thing
  4. Same could be said for someone who has nothing better to do than complain about conversations that have nothing to them and can be easily avoided. Actually it would be much easier to avoid or ignore the conversation, all together, than to bitch about it. Which means you are putting in a great deal of effort just to piss yourself off. Well done
  5. To be fair, I wasn’t laughing at @Sabrefan1 situation. That’s pretty much on par for that guy…. I was laughing at you for being in there with him. (Full disclosure: I have absolutely no idea where Sabre like to spend his leisure time)
  6. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/sun-gif-sun-gifs--323414816987203659/ Not sure why… but I feel great today!
  7. Foegele throwing the phrase “eliminating mistakes” around a little too casually right now. Lol
  8. post game embellishment continued… Looks like he got in a struggle with his toast
  9. I honestly still can’t believe they did that. lol. On his friggin beard ffs… For a guy with some serious embellishments issues, they really didn’t think this one through…. lol
  10. Can’t make that shit up bud. Lol “McBandaid” is gold
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