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  1. How about the Taliban? You didn't seem upset by that
  2. Well I guess if Putin actually attacks a NATO country, given our legal agreements it would change the dynamic wouldn't it
  3. So again, your solution is what? Keep the meat grinder going, endless war until it ends up nuclear? Great alternative bro. At some point you have to accept a peace agreement and hope it holds unless you want the above
  4. I've written alot of posts here explaining my views, provided alot of other information to consider. I am not going to rehash it all. You're welcome to just click on my name and read those posts. Done here.
  5. Sign the agreement that was agreed to, or whatever peace agreement can be arranged now. But ask for a peace and try for it And no alf it doesn't mean they will get all the land back. that's the reality of ending a war. I've explained this, why you keep asking is confusing.
  6. wow so much anger from having a different point of view I truly wonder how you all react when your boss has a different view on something. Do you hurl insults at him and scream at HR? Cool Have a nice life all. Sorry for not wanting nuclear war....you all can be brave with other people's lives on a canucks forum! Sickening
  7. not at all alf I have a different view and am not brainwashed by propaganda by main stream media
  8. Yep as expected I can tell most here get their views from main stream media, i get it most people do. And they also don't realize most of that is propaganda. how do you learn that? Well you go and seek out alternative sources of information on say twitter, independent journalists with good reputations. You read what they say, read the documents they post, and compare that to what MSM has said. Over time, since you've done PRIMARY research, many see that MSM lies profusely, literally about everything. You then learn who to trust in the independent media space - but intelligent people never relinquish their mind to others. You still have to verify search and figure out who's telling the truth. For certain, some things we can never prove or disprove, but when you see a high proportion of lies coming from one side you get an idea. What is concerning, and I see here on this site, is an intellectual fear to look at things that don't conform to one's world view. Immediate screams about sources, about a tweet, without actually opening the tweet, watching the video and learning that you could be wrong. I have no more time to engage intellectually scared people who are not aware alot of MSM is propaganda.
  10. watch the video i just posted it will explain it, particularly if you watched the video Greenwald shared (the one I shared here as well) cheers
  11. Interesting comment. I'm not sure your point is material here. 1. As I was not party to the agreement I do not know 2. However, the material matter here, is both parties had agreed in principle to a ceasefire and the peace terms laid out in that document 3. I don't believe they cared what the wishes of Joe King on canucks forum was, but rather they agreed to whatever was in that document. 4. What is also material is two countries who love war and make money from it, prevented a peace from occuring - so its been said. That's all
  12. Putin had already signed a peace agreement years ago. Zelensky has initialled it. UK and Britain told him not to sign it RFK Jr has talked in depth on this as have others. Google the video and watch.
  13. Well you all say Putin is Hitler if he’s Hitler you’d all go enlist and fight so instead you act “virtuous” online by Saying no peace!!! At no risk to your life to me that’s virtue signalling.
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