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Status Updates posted by -dlc-

  1. On hold for Rogers/Shaw for an hour and a half now. And that dumb "we're experiencing high call volume"message is only good for so long before it's total bs. No, you're not sorry or you'd fix it. Infuriating.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Just bear in mind Starlink is owned by Musk. 

      Just another robber baron, this one based in the States. 

    3. -dlc-


      Plus, it's not cable (so that won't be solution for Dad)...just looked into it.


      Knowing it's Musk's. Hard pass.

    4. grumpyone
  2. Can we just talk about this?

    Did he just wake up from summer hibernation?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      Wake n bake?

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Looked pretty baked alright. 

    4. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      me after drinking 37 beers and having to be up in 4 hours

  3. Happy heavenly birthday, Gino. Wish you were still with us (he'd be 54 today).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      @-dlc- Thank you, much appreciated!

    3. Ghostsof1915


      My friend's wife set the 4th of September on purpose for the celebration of life, I forgot that was Peter's birthday. 

      He would have been 52. Happy Birthday Gino. I wish both of you were still with us, and healthy.


    4. gwarrior


      Didn't realize it was Gino's birthday. I shall raise one for him. 

  4. I love that Bieksa has stayed in town and will be here for a bit longer. He belongs here.

    1. Jess


      After Ferraro retires, he can be Shorty's partner until Shorty retires.

    2. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Did you get a chance to meet him?

  5. Had a greenhouse at work so grew stuff from seeds: tomatoes, basil, parsley, etc.

    Making homemade pasta sauce right now out of those ingredients (and some). Smells delicious.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I think the at work, is the part to pay attention too. 😉

      I suppose that depends on your job. 😄

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i'm growing green onions, carrots, beets, lettuce, radishes and parsley. i've got lots of green onions, lettuce, parsley and radishes. beets and carrots roots not develeping. i have a tomato plant i bought. getting lots of tomatoes off it.

      anyone having success with beets and carrots? what am i doing wrong?

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Carrots I'm not sure if it's a nutrient value of the soil. But I remember when my Dad had his gardens basically he just had what looked like baby carrots. I never saw him grow larger type carrots. 



  6. 40 years ago today my favourite made his WWF TV debut.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RawkDrummer


      from Saskatchewan my favourite "Rowdy Roddy Piper"

    3. Ghostsof1915
    4. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Undertaker forever!

  7. Leaving for hockey soon. How am I feeling about that?


    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you better see a doctor, you may shake yourself to pieces.  rather keep you in one piece.cheers big casino.

    2. -dlc-


      Off I go again today, Joe.

      Met Podz yesterday...bittersweet. Such a nice guy...wished him well. "Just not against us"

  8. 13 years ago we lost a warrior whose battles went beyond the ice. We'll never forget you, Rick...heart of a lion.

  9. Wow, foiled terrorist attack being planned for Taylor Swift concert(s). Three teens radicalized online and arrested.

    ISIS cell was to "cause signficant harm". 19 & 17 year olds in custody...bomb materials, chemicals, machetes. One confessed. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gnarcore


      Like her music is the equivalent of unbuttered toast but this is a bit much to try and stop her playing....

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I have no idea about her music, but she sounds like a pretty solid woman. I do find it funny when people agree with her political stances they cheer. When they don't it's like "Why do you get into politics?" 

      I assume she's better than Kid Rock. 

      I still like supporting Canadian artists. 

    4. AAA



      Love the videos of the fans still gathering to sing, exchange friendship bracelets, and spread positivity!

  10. I love it when I'm off work and completely forget what day it is? Tuesday? Friday?

    Who cares??!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Psylocke


      I'm at work and still don't know what day it is. 

    3. Bell


      At 5am this morning I woke up and convinced myself it was Saturday so a no work day.  At 7am in a panic I realized it is Thursday. 

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      monday, tuesday, thursday, wednesday. i only remember thursdays because a lot happens in my life on thursdays. every weekend is a long weekend to me.

  11. This is awesome.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Stupid question but is he one of the Twin's kids, or a relative?

    2. -dlc-


      Henrik's son @Ghostsof1915

  12. Try not to cry. I dare you...


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Christopher Reeve and MJF were actors dealt a band hand. But they raised awareness for both Spinal Cord research and Parkinsons. I'm heartbroken that my friend in Australia has MS, now his early 20's son has been diagnosed with it as well. Good news the drugs now keep the symptoms from getting worse. So he should have hopefully a relatively normal life. So many medical conditions that can use funding.


    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      It makes me sad that cures for such debilitating illnesses haven’t been discovered.


      What makes me sadder is when good people get them.

    4. Heretic


      I went to the Theater Arts program at Langara - his sister Keli was in my class.  I met Michael (he came to pick her up to take her out for dinner) just as Family Ties was taking off.  Yes, he's a class act.  

  13. This awards show is SO hokey. Seriously, quit trying to be funny and just keep it real. Lame.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      That's why I don't watch it.

    2. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      I miss the good old days of Guy Lafleur accidentally being funny by mispronouncing names.

  14. @smithers joe was that you that they mentioned on 650 this morning? Puckapedia stuff.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      no, there must be another smithers joe. i don't know how to text them. good to hear from you lass. hope all with you is jake.

  15. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Fathers to be, etc. 

    Hope you have a relaxing day doing things you love.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      thanks good heart  you are an honourary father.

    3. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Miss my old man, Happy Father's day. Rest easy dad.

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      my father's day story. my dad was out of my life when i was just 20 months old.

      i used to tell people that babe pratt was my father. years later, i wrote babe and told him that story. he was quite touched with my story. we ended up meeting many years later. r.i.p. babe.

  16. Way to go, Juice!


    1. Bell


      congrats to Kevin.  He is the only one on the panel worth listening to so I suppose he was always destined to win it

  17. I've been home sick since my team got knocked out. I just can't.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Do you get a summer break?

    3. Joe-Kerr


      Its a rough one. I truly didnt think out season was going to be over

    4. Jess


      Hang in there, Deb. We'll have things to cheer for (and you'll be clanging your cowbell) soon enough!

  18. Hey, if you're doing spring/summer shed or garage cleaning please keep this in mind...


    1. Ghostsof1915


      The bunnies are taking over Richmond!




  19. Holy hell, didn't even realize the draft lottery is tomorrow. It's kind of nice to not be focused on it. Bigger fish to fry.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roberts


      if you didn't say something i wouldn't have a clue 😂 that's right, we got more important stuff to focus on right now 👀:towel:

    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      I have a feeling we’ll be drafting 32nd overall this year.

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      oily fish. lets fillet.

  20. Love this, Juice is awesome.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ballisticsports


      Alf always says the same about Scotch

    3. Strawbone


      Bieksa is a national treasure. I watched most of that interview, it's quite long and he has some amazing stories about his dad. Really enjoyed it.

    4. bishopshodan


      "Can I go coach?"


      What a beauty. 


    1. Chon derry

      Chon derry

      Yay for small town hockey ! 

  22. Happy heavenly birthday, Grandpa. Thinking of you. 

  23. Way to go Team Homan! World Champions.

    1. Johngould21


      What a great game, the women's game is really good. Soooo much talent throughout the world.

    2. Allegend


      Nice comeback to win the gold!

    3. -dlc-


      @Johngould21 That's for sure, the skill level is incredible. Makes it exciting when the gold medal game is so evenly matched like that. Could've gone either way.


      @Allegend Right down to the wire, they sure had to earn that win. 

      I feel that team Homan was solid throughout the tournament and only faded slightly on occasion. Really feel they deserved that gold.

  24. Team Homan is phenomenal. 

    1. Baratheon


      They’re amazing!
      I felt a little bit bad for the Turkish team.  They played awesome but Homan threw those two incredible shots at the end.

    2. -dlc-


      Yep, that was quite the game. That Turkish team means business. Homan's so clutch...really comes through with the big shots when needed.


      I've been lucky enough to see every game so far (been getting up at 5 am to do so). 


      So precise ... I love Rachel's game face. Total focus. Good communication on that team too.

  25. Gotta love it...ice delay before the curling starts and they're blasting Metallica.

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