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-dlc- last won the day on September 5

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  1. Wow, foiled terrorist attack being planned for Taylor Swift concert(s). Three teens radicalized online and arrested.

    ISIS cell was to "cause signficant harm". 19 & 17 year olds in custody...bomb materials, chemicals, machetes. One confessed. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gnarcore


      Like her music is the equivalent of unbuttered toast but this is a bit much to try and stop her playing....

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I have no idea about her music, but she sounds like a pretty solid woman. I do find it funny when people agree with her political stances they cheer. When they don't it's like "Why do you get into politics?" 

      I assume she's better than Kid Rock. 

      I still like supporting Canadian artists. 

    4. AAA



      Love the videos of the fans still gathering to sing, exchange friendship bracelets, and spread positivity!

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