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  1. Hunting season is open, hearing the gunshots. Hate it. Was brought up with it - Dad and brother hunt to this day. I respect their decision to...I mean, it's food. But I still hate the sounds and think of all the mateless birds left out there (they mate for life). I had pet snow geese growing up and I think of how devastated Charlie was when raccoons got to Snowy one night. 


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Are they allowed to hunt in Richmond? That's the odd thing about firearms, I don't mind going to a range but I don't like hunting. Fishing is ok, because I just assume I won't catch anything. Lol.

    2. -dlc-


      By permit (only) in certain privately owned land I believe...unless that's changed.


      Thing is, I do understand that, especially regarding geese, it's an important part of keeping things under control as the numbers climb. But every time I hear a gunshot I get sad. 😞

      Dad took me hunting once when I was young....lol. Failed experiment. I ran out and scared the ducks away (and am lucky I didn't get shot by accident!). My Dad and brother have both hunted since they were old enough to hold a shotgun...so there's no changing that/them. Although Dad has softened and doesn't "enjoy" it like he used to. He's an animal lover so he's in conflict now.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I haven't even gone to the range in over a year. I'm even considering getting rid of my .22 LR lever because I never use it. Yeah the ammo is affordable. But I'd rather have a bike or a motorcycle to be honest.

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