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-dlc- last won the day on September 5

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  1. Picked a box full of apples from Dad's trees. Making a crisp for him for dessert and apple cinnamon muffins for sharing at

    work tomorrow.

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    2. -dlc-


      We'll know soon, Joe...fingers crossed. Devastating after all these years to even think about the possibility that his cancer could be back. Took him for a biopsy Wednesday. I'm trying not to go there...one day at a time.

    3. -dlc-
    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      my prayers are for him and you. good luck to you both. i know how precious parents can be. i never knew my father, but always wanted that closeness.

      i actually met my father for 15 minutes when i was 16 yrs old. i wanted to hug him, but he didn't seem interested. i was a stranger to him. i used to wish, that if he knew me longer, he would have hugged me and told me he loved me.

      cherish your dad always. i know you do.

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