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-dlc- last won the day on September 5

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  1. On a night when I was super disappointed in a loss and feeling down.....perspective picked me back up again. Got word that Dad's biopsy is all clear and his cancer isn't back as we'd thought. Life just took a massive turn for the better. I take hockey seriously but I love my team and....life is so good. Feeling grateful.

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    2. -dlc-


      Hi Joe, thanks for always checking in on me. You're such a lovely man and your wife was lucky to have you (like my mom was with Dad). It's not easy caring for someone who's had a stroke and you have my great respect for devoting  yourself to her as you did. I don't live with Dad (yet), but I see him most days and check in every day (probably too much for his liking). I've backed off a bit to give him some space and independence. He'll be moving in with me (I have a suite in the basement)...likely within the next year or so. He loves his garden and his neighbours so I want to make sure it's the right move at the right time.

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      When I was in the hospital I was told that its often as hard on a patient's loved ones as the patient itself.  They weren't wrong.  Make sure you have time for yourself '-dlc-' (however you manage to squeeze it in).

    4. Power-Forward


      Hi -dlc-, im 28 and I found out that my Dad had cancer just 2 weeks ago and that it has spread to some areas.  I watch the Canucks with my Dad quite often.  I hope everything goes well.  Just trying to stay positive.      

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