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-dlc- last won the day on September 5

-dlc- had the most liked content!


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  1. I got up at 5:30 this morning. Too excited about the game. And my energy level at 7 am is WAY TOO HIGH. About a 17 out of 10.

    Gotta pace myself...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      I need this win to silence some verbally abusive trash talking family from Manitoba, lol. Pleeeeeeeease Canucks, make this win happen!

    3. Ballisticsports


      After we win our 16th  playoff games , the NHL will say


      Porky Pig GIF - Porky Pig Looney Tunes GIFs


      You finally got one

    4. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Wake up Deb, It's game time!

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