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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. My Dad's a senior and they really aren't providing basic services for seniors any more. Sad that the world is leaving him/them behind....on fixed incomes, they can't afford to add on services, etc. Nor do they want to. They'll lose him as a fan unfortunately because he doesn't care enough to go through the hassle. Eventually, some will just lose interest and not bother.
  2. Well that's absolute bullshit. I watch every single game but...guess not any more. Don't force me into subscriptions I don't want. This sucks donkey balls. And people like my Dad (senior) will get totally left behind soon. Sure, technology blah blah blah but with so many platforms soon it'll cost us a fortune to try to cover all the bases.
  3. On hold for Rogers/Shaw for an hour and a half now. And that dumb "we're experiencing high call volume"message is only good for so long before it's total bs. No, you're not sorry or you'd fix it. Infuriating.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Just bear in mind Starlink is owned by Musk. 

      Just another robber baron, this one based in the States. 

    3. -dlc-


      Plus, it's not cable (so that won't be solution for Dad)...just looked into it.


      Knowing it's Musk's. Hard pass.

    4. grumpyone
  4. Good showing by the boys, undefeated. Still work to be done but very promising.
  5. I already hate Ciona. Rat vibes. Getting a head start on things.
  6. I thought so too. Pathetic. What is it about Alberta teams and the Ice Capades?
  7. Or Richmond!! (where they do the summer NHL charity deal)
  8. Doing a good job of keeping the play in their end.
  9. OK, this is where we storm back with 4 goals.
  10. Being unemployed has its perks I guess. (Let's gooo!!)
  11. Not sure how you'd miss that backside swing. Pretty big target. (Shooting at anyone is not a joke but I couldn't resist. I mean, the man's fine. Well fine in he wasn't injured)
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