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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Let's all get happy about the playoffs, shall we? Epic.
  2. While we put too much emphasis on "a savior" I do believe that goaltending's one of the most important elements during playoffs. That and overall team health (and officiating which, sadly, can really make or break things by drastically changing momentum).
  3. The Oilers are all over the map at times. 5-0 loss recently says they haven't quite sealed the deal. Depends which Oilers team shows up (as much as the Canucks).
  4. "If things continue like this" The bar's been set SO high because of what the team has done to date but, again, it's quite normal to have drop offs every now and then. NO team has just killed it all year. People projecting that we "won't get past anyone" are thinking this is the status quo. There's no reason to think the team won't give it a good go...if we look at a bigger sample size than the recent past and just cherry picking things. We're in a bit of a funk, yes. Will it last forever? Probably not. This team has shown the ability to win, even consistently...so not sure why we should just count on them losing.
  5. Thing is, it's quite normal for teams to really make a push if they're fighting for a spot.
  6. Where do you see them? Report them (rather than addressing them here and adding extra clutter). That way they're sure to be seen.
  7. So what happened, then, from Dec. 28 - Jan. 28 when they lost 14/16 games or something like that? Seems it wasn't working so well.
  8. Miller too....that cut in to the slot was what we need more of. Then someone ready to cash in on a rebound.
  9. The thing for me that kind of bugs me is this: when did the self-proclaimed experts who've known all along because they're objective and we're not make their assessments? If they're going back over the last couple of years, this team has changed (quite a bit). So that team or this team? It's a moving target and to somehow pretend they knew the trajectory of "this team" is kind of silly....because they didn't have all the information in place to do so. If they started projecting based on last year, this was our team: So no, I don't think they've observed and critically analyzed in order to know what THIS team in the here and now will do. Because this team you can only assess on this year. And it's really tough to know what they'll do based on their season and running hot then cold.
  10. "Objectively". Your opinion is no more "objective" than the rest of ours. Think back to how you were adamant Miller was gone. The objective people knew. I didn't trash the team....I saw them with some great potential because they had players to build around. Like Miller. Did you see us being on top of the league for a long period (answer is no).
  11. That's sort of my point in all of this.
  12. Well some teams are playing their best hockey now, yes. And we haven't been. But...again and like I've pointed out, that can change at any time. Status quo only goes so far in this ever changing deal. Florida in their last 10: 3-5-2 Jets: 4-5-1 (yes, they're picking it back up again...but....) Teams that haven't been playing their best hockey "for months" may be the ones due to turn it around. Momentum swings happen. People wanting to claim "what this team is" didn't give us a shot to be where we are so I'm not sure they're the experts. This team gave itself some breathing room but some here figured we'd be clawing our way in.
  13. And Petey not being in the conversation much too....but he could get hot and then it's a different look. We count on him for goals and right now he's not producing as we need him to.
  14. If this year has taught us anything it's that teams run hot and cold and it's nearly impossible to predict the outcome. People glom on to current streaks (both hot and cold) in the here and now but that doesn't mean a few weeks from now it'll be the status quo. We're currently running a little cold...doesn't mean they'll just continue a downward spiral. Edmonton's a great example of how teams can fight back. Our team's done it in the past when they were still clawing in desperation at the slimmest hope of sneaking in to the playoffs. There's reason for concern, sure. But there's NO reason this team can't regroup to find it's stride again. If they don't, fine...people'll have their gotcha moment while the rest of us won't be quite as happy. If they do, I imagine some here will disappear (again). It ain't over till it's over. And it hasn't even started yet. Teams that look great can hit a skid. Injuries also are huge, as is goaltending. Right now, we're missing our goaltender and that matters (and, to some degree, our superstar who's in a bit of a funk).
  15. He makes himself so small in the net. Good down low but he leaves the entire top half of the net open.
  16. You seem to be the one hung up on the refs more than anyone. It's ok not to love everything they do. Kind of like some here don't love what the team does. Weird double standards.
  17. Also...if you're gonna bitch at us for calling it like we see it, quit whining about the team. If they're "bad and stupid" one would ask....why tf are you even here?
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