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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I have to be fair here....this is 100% bang on correct.
  2. Well that's true. Yes.
  3. I'd like to hear that and will look for it. I'm wondering if ego's seeping in and maybe they're being over coached a little? I mean, that last practice Rick reportedly was a little harsh/frustrated but maybe he's sending too many messages and adjusting too much/on the fly? When he came in he had success but, there are guys (like Petey) who have natural talent and instinct that you have to just unleash at some point. I noticed Petey had 4 hits last night....more than ANY of our d men. Not sure that should be the case. I'm not too worried but obviously they have to get a hold of this and the pp in particular has to find its groove. Special teams are huge in the playoffs so it's time to work out the kinks. I'm confident they will and I'm satisfied with this team's progress....but it would be a shame to let it all just slip away. I really question what they're doing with Petey though. When he has 4 hits in a game and guys like Myers and Cole have none, I think maybe that needs some adjusting. The focus has been on playing strong defensively but that's also been sacrificing some of our offence and fire power. I'm tired of Myers looking like a deer in headlights in front of our net too....clear some guys the f out of there.
  4. I'd prefer either they put the whistles away or they call things tightly. But they're just so inept at times and it's glaring. It's like they miss something then try to make up for missed calls and start calling everything. Until they get tired and then they go back to sleep. It's really inconsistent....not even from game to game but during a game. Feast and famine crap. I still believe they should have to conduct an interview post game and maybe explain some of it. Like even be honest with "I really didn't see it" and it would give them some credibility. But they just get to slink out. And no one's allowed to talk about it. That's not how you run a credible organization. But honestly, I'm used to it now. It is what it is. (Total bush league)
  5. No one says conspiring except those defending the shitty refs. Exaggerations are used for impact. Also...Myers is never to be criticized either. For whatever reason. We didn't lose because of the refs. Then again, we'd probably have a better game without them. That hit on Joshua for sure was bullshit. It's not the end of the world....pp has to fix itself for sure. But to pretend the refs are above criticism is just silly. It's funny to me....Miller has a giveaway and it's immediately mentioned despite the fact that he's the one guy who tries to drag us into the fight. Myers though? Has immunity. It's really a stubborn stance.
  6. I'm going to the game. I'm lacing 'em up (my roller skates, all I've got)
  7. How this game went.
  8. Didn't love that game. Whatever. Nexxxxxt....
  9. Smash Hronek in the face....."follow through" So let's see the high stick we're taking here.
  10. Refs step in. Bullshit. If they're not going to make the call, let him answer for that dirty play.
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