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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Pulling for him, hope he gets the help he needs and beats whatever he's battling.
  2. So you just immediately default to the negative. I think we should probably just wait and see before we hit the panic button and start finding reasons to doubt our team.
  3. Thing is, only one team will get through it all but that doesn't mean that the rest are invalid or not worthy of appreciation, support and acknowledgement. One team. So if they're planning on their "AHA told you so" moment it's kind of lame. The odds are in the favour of NOT lifting a cup but that doesn't mean these predictions are somehow incredible insight. Just a numbers thing. And this team very well could.....based on how the season's unfolding. Sure, cherry pick certain games where the outcome could've easily gone either way. One team got a couple lucky bounces...I didn't see a glaring discrepancy in quality of play. No matter what, this team's out performed most everyone's expectations and they are a good team. They are in the conversation and shouldn't be taken lightly. We've had plenty of "aha, told you so" moments all season that support the Canucks being a good team. But they don't show up for those moments.
  4. It also feeds into the narrative some have and projected early on that the team won't do anything in the playoffs. Every update that puts them closer to that is noteworthy I guess. Hoping to be right? It's kind of weird to me.
  5. I know the difference, thanks. I stand by my thoughts.
  6. Yes, exactly. No need to always rush to the worst case scenarios. He's banged up and they're making sure he's good to go.
  7. Well seeing as how they said he's "day to day" I thinks it's a stretch to go there.
  8. Oh I understand that. But my point was more that it's not JUST an advantage for one (our) team...it does involve risk. The team had to prevent them from scoring in a wide open net so they weren't just gifted anything.
  9. The flipside of that being.....LA had a WIDE OPEN net to fire at for 4 and a half minutes. So there's that. A man advantage but, at one end of the ice, a man missing (and a crucial one at that). Only an advantage if you make sure the puck doesn't go the other way.
  10. LOL @ Tanev when asked where his game's at? "Good [pause] well not last night" (talked about getting used to the new team). Shocked at being traded...never happened before but was "going to a good team". Talking about Dallas' depth and fire power. Now talking about Huggy....not surprised that he keeps taking his game to a new level. Super dynamic. Would he come back to Van? Obviously took the high road...focused on his team now.
  11. LOL I don't know that it's good for anyone. Big bad teams that we should be scared of? No. Teams believe in their game and we have a lot of supporting evidence this year to provide some confidence. Of course, no one should go in believing it's going to be easy. Nor should they buy into how impossibly tough it will be. Especially after a game where one team squeaked out a pretty lucky win. Play the game as you know how and may the best team win. That's not decided beforehand as much as some try to push that narrative.
  12. When I go, I never leave before the 3 stars have been acknowledged. With that being said, it's a real bottleneck at the exits and I'm almost glad people file out before we do. Gives a bit of space. But I also often walk over the bridge by myself and so it's a matter of trying to get out with a crowd...as soon as they're announcing the 3 stars I start heading for the stairs and am out of there quickly/before interviews. It's a matter of safety for me. Also....they have free giveaways at the door a lot. People want to get their coupons, samples, etc. So you can't totally blame them because there are incentives put out to get people out quickly. As well, those taking transit often have to work the next day and, in my case, I don't get home much before midnight if I don't drive. Then I'm usually wound up and it takes a bit before I can sleep. So reality of life factors in. I don't know that Petey was dejected as much as he likely was just...exhausted. After a full game the guys often do look that way.
  13. My understanding is that's the definition of "trap"....clogging up the neutral zone and forcing turnovers. So can you describe the "specific play" you're referring to? I'm genuinely curious (as you have played the game and I have not).
  14. Exactly what I thought. Oh well, just don't even bother then. Pencil in the big bad teams and call it a day.
  15. But does that make sense if you're saying we don't match up well against them? I do agree...more net front presence and dirty goals vs the perfect, pass it around then snipe. But two lucky goals for them made the difference...so I don't know that we should be afraid to match up against them or do too much differently. If those saves are made, we win.
  16. LA got lucky bounces, that was the difference in that game. "Not LA good" is a crock. The Canucks completely took over the game at times and it was goaltending and shot blocks that saved them. LA can be suffocating but people are far too afraid of them. I'm glad my team isn't.
  17. Courtesy of Jeff Vinnick Love the physicality the team is bringing.
  18. You know, there are seemingly two very different types of wealth in the world. The first is one of integrity that tries to do some good and spread some of their wealth to make the world a better place. Help others and make a difference in a positive way. Leave behind a legacy of kindness and sharing. Then there are the greedy pigs (my apologies to pigs) who have absolute senses of entitlement and no moral compasses. Exploit others by using their power and status. It's sad because there's opportunity to really change the world in a good way but....then there are these aholes to contend with. Disgusting, vile....anyone preying on impressionable young adults as easy marks is toxic and disgraceful. Especially considering they have children of their own. Drugging them? Luring them? Think about how it would feel for someone to do that to their kid(s). But they clearly don't think. At least with their brains.
  19. Bure was electrifying and his jersey being there signifies what a very special player he was. Every time he grabbed the puck the entire building was on their feet, holding their breath. Watching him play was incredible and I have no qualms about his jersey being retired. He brought a whole new level of excitement to this city when he was here. Sky was the limit with him on board. And I fully expect JT's #9 to be hanging up there one day too......
  20. Ridiculous. You've said a lot of things this year, mostly that other teams will slay it in the playoffs and we won't. I'm not as blinded by a flukey win that could've gone either way. The only reason LA won was a couple of lucky bounce off your ass type goals. We outshot them and outhit them 47-25. We carried a lot of the play and, really, just got outgoaltendered. They also blocked a lot of shots...that'll take a toll over time. They're not the big bad boys that some make them out to be. Pouty is a good example of their "leadership" and culture. Yes, it was a penalty. But also an Academy award performance as well.
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