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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. That's me! (I bought a 3 ring inflatable kiddie pool and it's on my deck and I go "swimming" on hot days.
  2. OMG I love it!!! LMAO, had to watch it twice.
  3. I bet you did. Maybe some kids didn't have a father figure who took time for them. You may have provided some of that. Maybe some kids needed structure in their life - dependability. You likely provided that. Maybe some kids felt like they had a full count in life and you stepped in and they hit a home run. Coaches can be much more than teachers of the sport. They show up. They devote their time. They listen (or at least the good ones do). I bet you did.
  4. You just needed a shot to prove yourself, Joe. Taught that coach a few things, didn't ya? That's awesome.
  5. He did and he didn't. I mean, I did see him turn his back and skate away at times when a teammate was in trouble. I don't expect everyone to be a fighter - Linden, one of my all time favourites, wasn't. Sedins weren't. But...you still "hang around" the scrum and try to get your guy out of there. Or pull guys off your teammate. I think Bo was an all about Bo player (to some degree). I saw that toward the end. I'd much rather have Miller.
  6. Oh, thought of another one (sorry Joe) My parents were poker players growing up and I didn't get it. At all. But then I learned how to play and we started having family games where I learned a lot from them. I started entering free rolls on line and won real $$ without putting anything in. My son and I cashed out a few times for $400 or so each time. Then I entered a contest...a series of freeroll elimination tournaments that led to an all expenses paid trip to Europe to play a Poker Stars tournament (including entry fee). I'd tap out in the wee hours at times (as I had to work in the morning)...I'd let my son take over for me when I knew I had to get some sleep for work. It was for fun mostly, so no expectations. I mean, these tournaments went on for 8-12 hours at times! Anyhow, I won my way all the way through to the last stage/game where the top winners got a paid way into the big money event. I had to set my alarm for 4 am. I was doing well, building up a good stack of chips when I flopped a full house and pushed all in. Called (by a guy with slightly more chips than me). Bad beat - why the hell was he calling with that??? I had pocket 8's and he had J8...the flop was 8-J-J giving him the higher full house. Out. Done. So close. But I'm proud of the fact that I play a solid game of poker....I miss our old game that we used to have on CDC. I learned from the best! (My Mom taught Gino how to play)
  7. OMG guys. I'm super glad we kept Myers and love how he plays in the playoffs. But, leading up to them, this is 100% accurate (and killed me)
  8. BCRPA certification Animal activist and shelter volunteer Surviving a really traumatic relationship that crushed my soul (and my nose) Working in a job I love/with children (especially the ones with autism) (c'mon Joe, you know me by now...I can't ever do "just one" on anything. Songs, books, whatever it may be!)
  9. Thing is, some people enjoy the behind the scenes takes and seeing players in a different light/as human beings. The role is one that "connects" people to their team...the Canucks used to do family fairs and carnivals back in the day for that very purpose. A lighter side of things and off ice glimpse into events, etc. I guess it's not for everyone but personally I love it. How did you feel about Dan Murphy doing some of this stuff?
  10. I'm sad to hear this, I thought she was excellent. I felt like she had a natural talent for bantering back/forth with the players and seemed to do a good job. Is Hannah maybe coming back? Liked her too.
  11. -dlc-


    Can't decide between honesty (which gets me into trouble at times) or resilience.
  12. 13 years ago we lost a warrior whose battles went beyond the ice. We'll never forget you, Rick...heart of a lion.

  13. Joe, this is amazing news! You're very important to us so please keep kicking butt! My daughter in law's parents (divorced) each had mild heart attacks within a short time span and are both underdoing surgery/treatment. I will pass this message of hope along to them, it's very encouraging.
  14. -dlc-


    In line with this topic, are there any things that are on your bucket list? Potential/developing "passions"? I really want to do some kind of rowing and that's one of my "to do's" when my job winds down. I also miss water skiing and want to find a way to get back out there on the water. I plan on learning to crochet (and make something for my kids). Old lady stuff. I'm getting into gardening and want to learn more. I'm writing a children's poetry book (think Shel Silverstein) or songs (Charlotte Diamond?)...we'll see what develops there. I've always had a natural talent to freestyle rhyme without much effort and so am putting stuff together. I road rage in rhyme...it feels a bit kinder than all out rage. Helps me vent. Something like (just random off the top of my head, how I do it): Move to the right You're such an ass Can't you see we're Trying to pass? But there you are Just blocking the lane Filing your nails and feeling no shame Oblivious, brainless? Don't you know To move to the right When you're going so slow. MOVE OVER I'd be singing something like this rather than just getting totally steamed. Helps me to manage my anger if I sing it. It's so silly. Maybe I'll make a road rage album.
  15. I'm going to get tickets today.
  16. I don't play but am starting this thread on behalf of someone who wondered if there was a thread. @Nucker67 I wanted to play....I got a guitar, went out and bought a "book" to start learning. LOL...."The Led Zeppelin Complete Songbook". Not sure that Jimmy Page was beginner level but it was Stairway to Heaven or bust for me (ftr, bust won). I also was thrilled when I worked for a moving company and got a call from a guy really interested in how we'd pack/treat "his babies". Had them for years, they were his life blood. As we chatted, I'd learn it was Geoff Lloyd of the Matthew Good band. I oversaw the entire move (to Ontario) and he was thrilled with how well it turned out...no damage, everything arrived on time. He joked with me that his new home had everything he needed...a liquor store, record store and Lush (for his partner). He actually was in the process of moving back (through me) when he was tragically taken from us too soon. He was a lovely man. Anyhow, please feel free to use this area to share your stories.
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