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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Queens better take their Midol or our guys will have to slam them.
  2. Oh I know that....and I'm hoping they are from those fields. That would make sense. Lottery clerks? No.
  3. I'm not sure why BCLC are "heroes"? Anyone help me with that? (FTR, I ran a BCLC lottery kiosk many years ago)
  4. I'm going to treat myself to Tino's for dinner. Mostly I love their salad and house dressing but I'll get a lasagna too. Feeds me for 2-3 meals and I'm in lazy mode (not really...Spring cleaning and getting organized for bunny events on the weekend).
  5. It's not by choice, I guarantee it. He's a fierce competitor and he just is lanky and doesn't have great balance/stability.
  6. Way to go Team Homan! World Champions.

    1. Johngould21


      What a great game, the women's game is really good. Soooo much talent throughout the world.

    2. Allegend


      Nice comeback to win the gold!

    3. -dlc-


      @Johngould21 That's for sure, the skill level is incredible. Makes it exciting when the gold medal game is so evenly matched like that. Could've gone either way.


      @Allegend Right down to the wire, they sure had to earn that win. 

      I feel that team Homan was solid throughout the tournament and only faded slightly on occasion. Really feel they deserved that gold.

  7. The video is so cute...Natalie posted it on her Instagram.
  8. Yep. There's been an attitude shift away from complacency to accountability. I credit JT and Tocchet (and Quinn as well, through his play). Setting an example is important and JT's certainly done that. He's earned the respect he's getting.
  9. Yes, he usually IS battling when he goes down. He doesn't do the Nate shake out like he's been stabbed.
  10. Teams lose SO much credibility to me when they do that. Have some f'n integrity. Win based on skill....it's showing weakness to need the refs to help.
  11. Exactly. I fully expect that when he does maybe slow down a little people will jump in with "I told you so" aha stuff. But, as they do now, they'll over look what he HAS done and focus on only the negative, everything else will be overlooked. You have to love that we have this guy right now.....I bet every other team heading in to the playoffs would want him on their bench. But...some are waiting to pounce on him in order to prove themselves right. The other thing is, the type of game he plays is physical but he also stays in good shape so in your 30's it's not like you're 70. He's shown he's extremely durable and resilient and fitness will be a huge factor in that. His game isn't one that's based on speed and if he loses a step he can still position himself to be very effective. He's crafty and makes quick decisions....that part will still be intact. He sees plays and reacts really well. He can shield the puck and protect it well so that part shouldn't drop off significantly.
  12. FTR: Matt's guitarist on Champions of Nothing is actually a super nice guy from Richmond. This is his new band (with his wife).
  13. I had a hard time deciding between that (Everything In Its Right Place) and How To Disappear Completely. Yep.
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