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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. This entire album. It's both painfully emotional to listen to, but I also love it. I became kind of friendly with Matt and some of his friends/family back then and we got a glimpse of it before it was released. I was going through a devastating period of my life....single mom of 2 kids. Working 3 jobs to hold it together. Brother was completely a mess and I was scared I'd lose him to drugs. Then the kicker....mom was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and was slipping away. Dad had cancer too. I was rushing from the chemo ward to palliative. I was isolated, terrified and just plowing through. All alone. Putting on a brave face for my kids, but it was incredibly tough. My house flooded, top to bottom. That was just how things were rolling for me/us. Completely gutted and this album hit me to my core. It felt like the songs were written about my life. Champions of Nothing went hand in hand with a night my ex was phoning me, drunk and abusive. He was with his new girl and I was....in distress. Not over him, but he really twisted the knife that night. I heard her in the background feeding him crap about not having to pay me child support. I said "put her on the phone". And I calmly told her what was up. I was numb at that point. Don't f with me stuff. It was so much bigger than him/her and I just didn't have the time, energy or desire to engage with them. I hung up and the phone kept ringing.... It was the first time I heard that song. The intro, especially...as the phone rang and I'd answer, say nothing, hang up. Rinse/repeat. Until he finally quit. I was sitting in the dark, tears streaming down my face. I was so disconnected from the sh they were flinging at me. Just. Leave. Me. Alone. We had kids together, so I tried to be civilized and maintain a relationship. But he was with someone who was fueling his hair finger trigger stuff and he pointed it at me. Very personal stuff, but I've learned that it's my story to tell and it helps me to do so. For a long time, I just kept everything "in". I'm proud of how I've navigated my life and that's my takeaway. "Weird here is normal, weird here it the extreme somewhere else. Come in here and watch the death, love is a strong word...I hate you" "Try again"
  2. Also, remember the bylaw: one flag per round. I have 4 different ones so it works out perfectly.
  3. As far as listing teams in order of preference for playoffs....I can't. All teams, to me, should be of concern. None of it is to be taken lightly (or be afraid of). Just see what unfolds, no let up. I'm just so STOKED to have playoffs again. They really bring back some fond memories for me...with Mom, my kids. I used to hold parties for my kids (my son was 7...my daughter was too young to know what it was all about but loved the atmosphere). I'd invite their friends and their familieis over for parties and each game the excitement grew. We hung the Province posters on the wall each time a new one came out...until the living room was plastered. I made a cake out of candy corn (skate logo) and it turned out awesome. Playoff vibes are so incredible. I freestyle/free hand drew an orca logo on my huge front room bay window. It turned out WAY better than it should've considering it was spur of the moment before a game and I was just winging it. I met LH/CB on CDC when we started moderating together....then we'd find out we lived up the street from each other and he told me he always noticed the logo in my window and loved it. I kept it up for years...our strata made special accommodations to the "nothing in the window except blinds/curtains" bylaw. When I finally went to wash it off the sun had burned the window marker into my window. It refused to leave and was etched on there. Like my team is on my heart. LET'S GO!!!!! All in.
  4. This is my favourite from that one. I'm so moody.
  5. They played this last time I saw them in Vancouver. I was thrilled. I also remember watching this when it aired....the Alice in Chains one too. These unplugged sessions were incredible.
  6. JT's such a leader on this team. Love this...so true.
  7. Photo courtesy of Jeff Vinnick
  8. Well I think so, but that's just me.
  9. My Calgary friend in Arizona stopped texting. LOL
  10. Not only that....Miller's just a natural leader. You can see how he's always directing plays out on the ice and he's their biggest cheerleader too. He's got the same kind of personality (sarcastic sense of humour) as Bieksa and can really be the glue in the room once you realize where he's coming from. Bo was a quiet captain when we needed some energy infused into the deal. Some edginess. What some saw as abrasive with JT is actually what drives him to be so good. Heart on the sleeve passion. And it's great that people are finally seeing that.
  11. Casey's been great. He's super chill and we're lucky to have him with Demko out. Apparently Clark's been helping him a lot.
  12. My favourite since Bieska and Burrios.
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