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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. The other thing to add is if you base "worst player" on +/- that's on you. I mean, he's down there in the basement with scrubs like Ovi, Jack Hughes, etc.
  2. This is really sad/tragic. The thing is, we learn and evolve over time...or at least we should. Pummelling each other in the head hardly seems like sport or entertainment, but I understand why fighting is necessary. It's the cheap shots that really need addressing and then fighting wouldn't be as called upon. Most guys who are in the enforcer role embrace it for what it is (Bieksa being one of them). It's sad that it can take a toll and linger long after the skates are put away. May he rest in peace. I wish his family and friends strength and peace at this difficult time. Suicide's a very complex puzzle and I only wish that those who took their own lives after battling for others could win their own personal battle.
  3. He sure did. It really takes the focus off Petey a lot because Garland's everywhere and draws the attention to him. Loved it.
  4. Hronek also had a crack at him. I loved it. That should've been called (the extra cross check when he was down). Punk ass loser.
  5. Yet the Oilers ended with the same score and he's blowing their .... horn. Against the Habs. And it took OT and a 4 minute pp.
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