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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. -dlc-


    I feel the same, Joe. What an absolute privilege to attend those games with you. Honoured and so thrilled that you graced me with your presence.
  2. https://www.bclions.com/2024/08/13/2022-most-outstanding-canadian-nathan-rourke-returns-to-bc-lions/?fbclid=IwY2xjawEodTRleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHcA8ZUFTyYcwaivFN64dl7W6zHdeib3VYqIDZ5N4aFALc3Yr1BAjsBB1RQ_aem_vvf9vxcENUgT7RuETpPPbA "VA will not be traded"
  3. OMG this is incredible!!! Welcome home, Nathan!
  4. -dlc-


    Keep at it, do it because you love it and see what happens. My son was the same...then a few of his articles were picked up by different sites and things snowballed a bit. He eventually got a job at EA Sports that has led to a successful career through his sheer determination and love of hockey (and gaming). I think part of the problem is that SM is saturated with content as everyone and their dogs are putting their opinions/articles out there. You're dealing with a sea of information now so it's harder to get noticed. I had a blog years ago and it connected me to a bunch of great people...some of whom I've stayed in touch with for 20 years now.
  5. "Welcome, Mr. Matthews. Yes, we understand that, as the newly designated captain you'll be shopping with us here in the men's department and no longer in the oversize women's section at Value Village"
  6. So how many more days until hockey?
  7. If that's the stuff that this team is focused on...no wonder they fail. It's a team effort and who cares who wears the C? Everyone has an opportunity to rise up and lead a team...just ask JT. You don't need a letter to prove anything or solidify your position. Auston's their ringer...but is he captain material? There's more to it than points. Integrity matters too. They're so wrapped up in ego related stuff. Whatever. Yes, let Auston wear the tiara crown. Gotta stay in the news somehow I guess.
  8. -dlc-


    That's exactly how I see you, Joe. I think you are good at it. Even how you show interest in others here and give us a platform to share our stories. And your interest in youth and especially the underprivileged or those who've run into trouble. You're good people.
  9. -dlc-


    No brainer duh answer: my family. They are everything. I am so blessed and life is fantastic when I'm with them. Hockey. It keeps me going and has gotten me through some rough times (COVID really comes to mind) Music Working out Writing (have always loved it) Animals (except today I'm having a hard time because I came across an injured dog and animals in distress sear my heart)
  10. The other thing about the breakdancing I like is the sportsmanship and camaraderie...it's refreshing. These "battles" aren't without a respect for what the opponent puts out there. I loved that.....the nods of approval when someone pulled off something unique/special. Encouraging the opponent as they got started. Sports can be intense and adrenalin fueled to the point of making them hostile. I think it's nice to see another side where opponents are cheering each other on and inviting them to reach new levels to push one another. The level of respect and humility was really awesome for me.
  11. To each his own I guess. I loved it. I mean, the amount of skill and athleticism is off the charts. They make it look easy but it's not.
  12. For me, seeing people that I've seen around town in the Olympics was very cool. Even though Dunfee didn't win another medal, I see him "training" around Richmond and he's also just a super nice guy. Knowing that it's everyday people who devote themselves to their craft who make it to the games....not just the pros of their sports who do it for a living, make them awesome.. My daughter was part of a group of prop performers (poi, hoops, dragon staff, fire props, etc.) and is really connected to that community. Seeing Phil win a gold medal was incredible and it's nice that some of these amazingly talented people are getting their moment to shine and show off their talents. Really love when they do try new things during the games, broadening the scope and giving more access to participating.
  13. Good thread. At the very least, Bure got the most out of his body for enough time to really establish himself as a great player And I think trying to set up others is part of a well rounded game because it keeps the other team guessing. He was some kind of special. Pelle was my brother in law's favourite player (he was a huge Flyer's fan) so I got to know a bit about him. Really tragic. Luc too....my good God, I think he could have really been a difference maker for us. Devastating loss.
  14. I can say for the LA games...I don't know a damn thing about cricket. Nor do I care about it, but that'll likely change. Do we even have teams here? I used to really love lacrosse and go to all the Richmond Roadrunners' games. I loved the breakdancing, I believe it was a one off though and it won't be back. Sad about that. Flag football? I thought that was football for kids but I guess it could be quite entertaining.
  15. That's exactly how I feel.
  16. Wow, just came inside from doing chores. Did we WIN breakdancing? That's f'n awesome if so.
  17. I wanna see that. On bikes....just bash each other out of the way. Last man/woman riding wins. Full contact.
  18. High jump finalist: "was taken to hospital yesterday, vomiting blood". Back today. These athletes are amazing.
  19. It really doesn't get much closer than this. What a run by Arop.
  20. OMG Arop gets at least silver! Wow! He damn near got the gold...so close. Brilliant race.
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