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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Tooooooo loonnnnnnng between games. Loving this weather though, makes it easier to go without hockey. Love the home stand. guys get to really figure stuff out together.
  2. Some here hone in on Miller's play (only on off nights) and overlook Myers.
  3. People laugh this off but....Juulsen and Joshua both bring constant motors to the game. Their energy is missed for sure.
  4. To educate us. Seems only right.
  5. Or there are several throughout a game. Missed calls too...because they allow a team to get away with stuff. If you're going to call a one handed whiff on a glove, make sure you call a high stick too.
  6. Yes, I expect that people here are fans of the team. And I do spend a lot of time here...but that's ok. Even my ex couldn't tell me where to spend my time. And how much time do you spend policing me then, to know this? Kind of creepy that you keep track of me "extensively". Get on with it without this crap. LOL "reviewed by the league". That's where some of the problems may lie.
  7. The other thing worth mentioning is...no team just kills it all year. Excuses aren't even necessary if everyone accepts that for what it is....that teams have hot streaks, crappy games and slumps, etc. How they do overall matters...if they rebound and don't stay stuck. But some charge in here after a loss to tell us why that loss tells us everything about our team. There are some here now pumping the Oilers tires like they're awesome. Remember a few months ago when they weren't? I do. Use that as your guide. Teams that are "down" may not stay down. But no, around here it's an instant evaluation of our players and the team. Every loss, some chime in to tell us what's up with our team. Really? Pace yourselves. Go back to when y'all thought Miller was trash. Learn from your mistakes. It ain't over till it's over but some write us off at the first signs of struggle. We may crash and burn....any team could. But we may not. And then I hear "uneducated" fans. Give me a break.
  8. Can you you please explain the extensive review and accountability. The best in the world is subjective/your opinion. I watch lots of sports and I don't agree. Calling some backlash "conspiracy crap" is an attempt to avoid the discussion. It's ok to not love everything a group does without it being a conspiracy. Ask Torts who is not connected with the team (any more) how he feels about the refs. There's some discontent out there...refs aren't perfect even though some worship them like they are. And it's perfectly ok to discuss it...it's how change comes about. By people raising issues rather than ignoring them. I don't hold out hope that change will happen in the league...but it's time for refs to not be scorekeepers. Many groups have review boards...they can be a waste of time.
  9. I don't recall anyone calling it a conspiracy. I do think that it sucks more often than it should and there is zero accountability. That's where the problems lie. That games are sometimes decided when they're officiating poorly and teams get advantages that they may not deserve.
  10. When you're up against 5 on 3's fatigue can set in. We've had some really weak calls recently to put teams up 5 on 3 on us. Team has to find an extra gear for sure, but some really weak penalties to give teams a 2 man advantage lately. It's ok to talk about it. Know what I'm sayin? "A" bad call, sure. But a game that's called badly can start to have an affect. Players wear down and teams with advantages....well, there's a reason they're called advantages. No one should have to "adjust to officiating". The officials aren't there to be part of the game, they're there to oversee it. No conspiracies, just piss poor officiating that has a lack of consistency and accountability. Yes, missed calls happen but if they become the norm it's a problem. It's becoming a problem. The team's mental game has to toughen up - their focus. But some here want to pretend the Canucks just suddenly don't care....aren't trying. Suck. People who aren't here interacting beyond that. Just here to tell us our team sucks. No one would mention the refs if it wasn't an issue. It is. Anyone sticking their head in the sand to support their "nope, this team sucks/isn't good enough" narrative has tunnel vision. And yes, is quite likely doing it to get a reaction. Only after losses? Obvious. Not telling people how to fan but they certainly are when we do mention refs/calls....don't tell me how to do it either. "We look bad as fans" ... I don't have a fragile ego that's hinged on what others think. I know who/what I am. Shitty reffing isn't why we lose but anyone who knows sports knows there are "turning points" and shifts in momentum. Those can be created by refs getting it wrong and that's frustrating as hell. The playoffs will be a free for all so this team had better get used to it. That part I can agree with....just not sure they should have to. The fluff on Nate's glove call was atrocious. And those calls have to tighten up. The dive too at the very least.
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