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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Your words, not mine. But yes...nailed it. This is the part that probably creates a lot of the pushback from us excuse makers. We defend our team because some here "are haters who come out after every loss". FTR, I said they haven't played well and are in a funk. Guess you missed that part.
  2. I don't roll that way. I can take it. "We shouldn't have to" is what I said. And that's just weak, pulling out videos for personal attacks. I love me some TBP though so...whatever.
  3. We shouldn't have to make excuses OR apologize for a team losing every now and then. That's what's hilarious...that people pull out the pitchforks and scream about the team at the first signs of any struggles. Then we learn they're not even really a fan of this team so much because they love all the teams. What IS hilarious to me is people who profess their loyalty and longstanding devotion to the team but name off all their other favourites too. And feel that they have all the answers when, really, none of us do. The team doesn't even so how could you? I love hockey too but this is my team and there's nothing lesser in doing it that way. Some just switch out when the going gets tough, jump ship. A few here wrote us off from the get go....then floundered around when the team was hot and now they're backing the Oilers and whoever else they "think" will win it all. One team, that's it. Not as easy as some here think it is. I've been a fan of this team and only this team for a long time. And I do it the way I want without feeling the need to make excuses or apologize to anyone. Don't care. But I come here for enjoyment and the negativity is suffocating after a loss. Every freakin loss. We know already. Especially people who try to tell me what this team is when this team is one of their many side projects. Covering all the bases. I live and die, win and lose by one team. There's no shame in that.
  4. What about what they did last week? Or do games have to be perfectly executed wins for them to count in your world? Pretty unrealistic, but sure. I'm getting pretty tired of people ignoring what they DO do to focus ONLY on what they don't.
  5. Remember, the Oilers fell flat on their faces for a long period too. So don't count your Mcchickens before they hatch. They are We will Amazing
  6. Not only that, some of these fans aren't around when we win. Where was this drive? Well last week we won all 4 game that we played ... one of them 5-0 vs the big bad Jets. They aren't all pretty but they still count the same. Short (selective) memory spans.
  7. The team broke it's stride. Was in a good rhythm then the ASG and a schedule that was all over the map (literally) in a feast and famine way has them completely off. I believe the lack of energy reflects the fact that things have eased up and they have too. Have to get out of that mode. Get back to where they were.
  8. And guess what? In the 1st and 3rd the Caps had 10 shots combined.
  9. If you think Miller's shot are lobs I challenge you to stand in front of one. Petey's too. Hronek's slap shot? If you over exaggerate things you lose the point you're trying to make. They shot some wide and high and 27 were blocked (see their player limp toward the bench?) It's not like they weren't good solid shots that were just off target. They also tried some tips in that just missed and are often effective.
  10. Not really. It's hard to sustain that and they're a little off right now. No team's just blasting through all season...ebbs and flows. I mean, people are high on the Oilers. Now. There's plenty of time to pick it back up and not hit the panic button.
  11. Not to nitpick, but he never used the word coasting. Cruising...which, for me, is slightly different but that's neither here nor there. Anyhow, the reason I quoted the clip is I thought the same thing last night when I saw their guy going off hurt after blocking a shot. GO FOR THE JUGULAR but they didn't react with urgency despite clearly having a momentary advantage there. I screamed at my TV at that point and I'm kind of happy to hear that someone else saw it too.
  12. Better now than a month from now. They can hopefully get things figured out. And see that it's not going to be easy....the grind starts now. Better buckle up and be ready. I'm glad it's at this point because they're getting a taste of how quickly it can slip away. Do or die stuff coming up. Better get mentally engaged in this fight now because it only gets tougher.
  13. Suter was not in synch (at all) last night. Also...aren't you gonna be late? LOL
  14. The voice of reason. Thank you.
  15. The effort was there.....you can't convince me that a team doesn't "try". But they're off right now. Happens. They outhit the Caps 33-16....that's not a team that isn't putting in effort or mailing it in. I go to lots of games and .... you win some and you lose some. Best to be mentally prepare for that even if things aren't picture pretty. It's hockey and teams have bad games. I'm leaning into the "disrespect" park because that's...taking it personally. Teams don't try to ruin our nights (or theirs). My point is mostly that the experience is up to us. If we ONLY go to see a team kill it/win then yeah, we may be disappointed. But take in the sights, sounds, food, music, experience of it all and it's part of .... entertainment. Sports is just that, for our enjoyment and if you have a bit of a "life is what you make it" attitude it can still be enjoyable. Despite a crappy loss. It was a one goal game....boy oh boy, that's nothing compared to some games from the past. Some of us come here for those same things...but it's less than after a loss when people crap all over the team. One that's given us some pretty great stuff this year...how quickly it's all just forgotten. I don't think their effort was garbage...I think they came up short and had a terrible second period.
  16. I liked/wanted him here too. But I don't think we need "a" saviour. We need the team to figure it out...to regroup and play better. I do feel that Juulsen was providing more than Myers is and that Joshua's energy is also missed and will be a welcome addition when he returns. This team is not in the state that some make it out to be. They're struggling, it happens.
  17. Honestly, this is how some react when we hit a bit of a skid in my view. It's ok, it's a slump. It happens. To feel disrespected is more in line with what you're suggesting here. That's taking it all too personally. Ride it out, weather the storm. The team wants to win it's just not as easy to sustain throughout as some here think it is. Is the expectation REALLY to win every game? We lost by a goal...not by 9.
  18. How is it down the drain? No one cares where you finish in the standings unless you manage to play yourself out of post season. I doubt that happens but, if it does, sure. Bragging rights don't come with President's Trophies....a lesson we all should have learned by now. Lastly, I'm glad to hear Tocchet got an apology from the linesman that blew the offside. Not that it helps now, but it's showing some accountability and that's refreshing.
  19. Yes, you're right on the last point and I do apologize for that. Set off by the "my friend snapped a picture" part but nonetheless, didn't need to say that and I'm sorry. I'm tired of the pgt's when we lose and that's on me. I actually shut it down last night (and other nights) so I wouldn't have to engage. Probably time to do that again and come back when we win and people don't have daggers out. I feel a little protective of my team at times, whether appropriate or not. It's tough loving this team, especially when it becomes a very hostile environment. I accept your comment and will learn from it. Miller isn't perfect but BY FAR he's the best player on the ice most games for us.
  20. How was the game "disrespectful"? Help me understand that part.
  21. How much ice time did the young/old guys get? Matters.
  22. You mean responding to your post? I'm allowed to do that. And you said Washington was old....do you have anything to respond to in regard to my comment or the fact that I pointed out some errors in yours? Rather than just lashing out? You can be as angry as you want over the team/loss but don't expect people to necessarily agree with your take. I didn't.
  23. Yes, teams do go through peaks and valleys. But also consider the schedule and that after the AS break they weren't "on". How about the 40 before the last 20?
  24. I also LOVE how people now are drooling over the Oilers. How quickly they forget. Did they turn it around? Sure. But they can just as easily lose as the next team and are NOT a shoe in as some here paint them as.
  25. Myers looked lost/deer in headlights a few times last night. And really didn't contribute much at all. No hits, shots, blocks....nothing that I saw. I know that it's often best if d men aren't noticeable, but not to completely disappear. If Miller didn't do anything in your eyes and Myers did, that's your opinion but it isn't necessarily factual. You're scapegoating the wrong guy and protecting the one who deserves some criticism. FTR, I like Myers and want him to do well. He wasn't awful but if JT was in your view, let's widen the scope. Miller was engaged even IF he had a few bobbled pucks. Oh wait, Myers DID block a shot...I forgot!
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