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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I think this is partly true. As they got away from things RT wanted them to do and started to lose it, they pushed back with that agenda but maybe a bit more balance is in order? Don't neglect one side of it for the other. They seem to be sacrificing some offence and some if it is that you let guys with natural talent just....play. Like overcoaching a guy like Petey might be doing more harm than good. Get out of their heads so they can too? Maybe. Still love Tocc as coach and I'm not as concerned as some others.
  2. This is your take, and some is bang on. Some is not. The second was awful, yes. The rest of the game wasn't quite as dramatic as some here make it. Remember....the Ovi's and Oshies of the league are experienced veterans who are also desperate and battling for a spot (as well as their own personal accolades). Those things matter (too). cApZ r oLd McMichael (had as much ice time as OV) JUST turned 23 in January Lapierre JUST turned 22 a few weeks ago Miroshnichenko JUST turned 20 Protas turned 23 in January Their d's average age is 28 which, for d, isn't old (it's often players in their prime in this position) Do you know who had the least amount of ice time for the Caps? Old guys Tom Wilson, Max Pacioretty, van Riemsdyk.
  3. OMG that's SO me!!! Like falling into a black hole. "Do I call 9-1-1?"
  4. Perspective. Just breathe folks, we'll be ok. And even IF they were to lose every game from here on in and completely fall apart and out of the playoffs....it's been a good run this year. Think back to see how far this team has come. That won't happen, but people are panicking. Putting some unreal expectations on the team (don't lose). We're all suffering from hockey ptsd to some degree, I get it. But damn this year's been good so far and I hate that it's becoming a hostile environment (again). Yes, the team is dragging right now....it's not like it's been forever.
  5. No team is yet. Even if some are awarding it in their heads.
  6. Although people want to compare based on salaries, you also have to consider that "those two" were both 1st overall picks and expected to do more as a result. Players get paid on what they're worth to their team and the idea of losing Petey isn't awesome. I wish people would quit comparing him to players who SHOULD be better than him and therefore are. What they get paid isn't on them....agents negotiate with teams and they have the ability to say yes or no. Petey's shown what he can do....he isn't doing it right now but the fact that some of the fanbase will pull out daggers is sad. Criticism is warranted for sure, but let's also not forget what he has shown and likely will again.
  7. I tend to agree with this. They've had some experience with losing and I'm sure that creeps back in to their mental game. Especially when games go awry and reffing is bad (like the Avs game (and this one too in moments). But they have to just keep focused and not get lost in those moments. They'll be fine. They ARE learning and it's not going to be picture perfect.
  8. Life is what you make it. Disrespectful? It's a hockey game and if you go with some huge expectations, yes, maybe you willl be disappointed. It was a one goal difference...that means when we pushed at the end if we'd tied it, it would have been the same situation as the Oilers/Avs game. We were in it even if it wasn't the prettiest effort. If a family with kids doesn't have a great time at the game, that's honestly on them. The overall entertainment value is there...with lots of fun stuff going on for the kids. who often don't care much about what's happening on the ice (at least in a sustained way). They have awesome videos played throughout, Timbits, contests, Crazy P (annoying as hell, but kids lap it up), etc. Every kid I've ever seen on the big screen is loving it...dancing, cheering, etc. If parents are negative that may have an overall impact on what their kids take away from it too. And young kids on a long trip are often less than enthused at times but that's not on the team. I don't know that there's a textbook definition of fanatic because we all do it our own way. Some here seem less fanatic about the team and more fanatic about being "winners"....almost like it's a badge they somehow earn. For me, being a fanatic is supporting my team. Getting excited when they play...win and lose. So my way is a bit different than yours but I assure you I'm every bit as fanatical about this deal. I just accept losing as part of it. Sounds like a sense of entitlement if you come for a game and somehow walk away feeling "disrespected". Kind of ridiculous to me. I mean even royalty let loose and had fun here for crying out loud. If you're JUST focused on winning, sure. But if you loosen up and have a night out, it's all ok. Even if/when we lose.
  9. Teams aren't always on and you have to keep it all in perspective. Getting emotional because they've had some less than stellar games? Happens. Part of hockey. Words like "epic choke job" ARE emotional. Take it in stride, it's easier. They're fine, they'll be fine. They're not firing on all cylinders right now but they certainly have the ability to. And have shown that. People are SO quick to turn on them. It's kind of sad to me.
  10. Oh wow....I've been to games (took my son for part of his Christmas present) and we lost 5-0. Not even a goal to cheer about. This doesn't come CLOSE. We've had some dark times and to compare this is kind of silly in my opinion.
  11. Thing is though, DeSmith held his own and wasn't really responsible for the loss.
  12. Honestly. We'd be doomed. He's exactly what a team needs in the playoffs and will set the tone. That would be disastrous.
  13. He was one of the best players out there. He played physical, as always. A couple of his passes missed, one wasn't his fault but yeah...he was engaged. Won faceoffs. Had a couple of chances. Hands down is a little exaggerated. He didn't slay it but, by no means, was he terrible out there. He maybe tries to do too much when others aren't contributing...but usually that's what keeps us in games. His level of play. Can't do it all himself so it may be glaring to some when he isn't.
  14. Bold does not make your statements more real.
  15. I think when you take some guys who bring constant energy out, it falls a little flat. Juulsen brings it. I thought we could've used him out there. I also can't wait for Joshua to get back. We're better with those kind of guys on the ice. Ones who give it their all every shift.
  16. Armchair athletes who would ONLY win every game flawlessly. No turning back. Washington's fighting for a playoff spot and we didn't play well. Oh well. Not the end of the world. Yet for some it's overwhelming I guess.
  17. I love when all the people who don't post throughout games with the rest of us only show up after losses. Quite telling.
  18. Yes because Edmonton just killed it all year. I remember.
  19. Pick a side. Teams win and lose. They kill it some games and other games, not so much. Learn to ride the wave a bit.
  20. JT tried.... And was directing traffic and trying to get guys to move.
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