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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. We can have lots of statues. We can just surround the rink with them. Here's another, submission courtesy of Deb.
  2. I don't agree with this. "We whine" is a narrative some use in a head in the sand attempt to pretend everything's fine and dandy. It's not. It's almost like it's become edgy or somehow makes us tougher. That old man up stuff. I feel that toughness comes with the courage to stand up to stuff and go against the grain. Rather than just suck it up and go with the flow. Roger's actions may not have corrected anything but I applaud him for having the guts to do what he did. The ol' boys clubs of the world are slowly becoming exposed for what they are. Mostly deaf, dumb, blind, spineless and corrupt.
  3. I feel like it's time. It served us well in the moment (not really) to bring some awareness but seemingly did more harm than good. Sadly, it's an organization that would rather hush the critics and pretend they don't exist than use constructive criticism to be better and progressive. Deaf ear on the ol' boys club. But yeah....would be nice to turn the page and start fresh. Give this club in the here and now their own identity without carry over from the past.
  4. We're talking about changing the Roger Nielsen statue/luck with something new. Get rid of that vibe. It's all good.
  5. Super stoked for a game....there's something special about games in the spring when they have meaning and don't come attached with a bunch of anxiety and having to win every game. Doing a workout on the deck...first time out there this year and it's amazing. Just told my friend (sth) I'm in for playoffs....so there's that too. So happy that hockey is in full swing again. COVID was tough.
  6. We'll take the political stuff out now before this derails....but it was worthy of maybe connecting to Ovi who is in our building/city tonight. Some worship him. Some don't. F him. But we're straying now so let's keep it game related.
  7. Just doesn't work that way for me. Solid Canuck fan on the inside is questionable here if the loyalty can be displaced like this, even if for one night. Solid fan "but".....not tonight?? I get liking other teams and their players (I do too...Letang), but to wear THEIR jersey ever, let alone in our building? Nope. Never. I'd burn my hair off first. You need to get your daughter over to the good side. Have fun....don't take the loss too badly. And rally behind our boys in their barn.
  8. I agree with this. Keep it simple(r). Not always....but mix it up. Trying to dangle through 2-3 players isn't easy so use the players around you. Keep them guessing.
  9. The body slam to the ice that Petey took has NOTHING on his dangerous play. #tougher #stronger
  10. I hope Ovi falls flat on his face. I'm Ukrainian on my mama's side so.... Used to really like him (loved his hole in one golf video). Not so much now that I know more about him and who his cronies are.
  11. Deb says Messier's an asshole and she doesn't allow him near her team.
  12. If Torts is available we can have him standing guard in the hallway.
  13. Using the Hart is also something to address. When he was in the mix, he was 5 seasons in and beyond. Petey's just hitting that point and so we can't determine what the future holds. But the team paying him shows their level of confidence in him and his importance on this team. MacKinnon: picked first overall Petey: Picked 5th Also, look who Nate's played with. So maybe it matters too. FTR, he's got the same award as Petey and most valuable player nomination (Hart) has to also include the team that helps them get there.
  14. And we can't even say that because his contract has to play out before we know the true value in it. Using hindsight with Nate to compare against Petey...you can't use Nate's here and now.
  15. Nate ^ Petey ^ What I notice is that when they both started out Nate was getting more assists and less goals than Petey. Petey had to do more on his own. Besides, we can compare later, after Petey's played the amount Nate has. You conveniently glanced over the fact that at this stage, Nate's played almost double the seasons Petey has and should be further ahead. He's got more experience and kicks at the can. Plus, look at the teammates they've had. You've used the "2 year" age difference but you don't factor in that Nate was expected to be better...he was a first overall pick. Petey's contract is none of anyone's business and you don't just line up those numbers to make a point. What Nate and Petey get paid has nothing to do with much other than their personal finance. Factors like what their team could afford and future needs, what their team valued them at in line with that, their ages, what their agents negotiated for, etc. Has Nate become a great player? Sure. But most of us don't care and that's somehow being lost in this novel. Not sure we need to blow....his horn here quite so loudly. And Petey's demonstrated some greatness of his own. Extracting only what he's doing now, when he's not lighting up the goal light (like he can) is cherry picking.
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