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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Sunny weekend and we have hockey. Life is good. Let's go Canucks....don't get frazzled when the refs go into overdrive. Just pretend they don't exist and play a clean game. No more one handed whiffs near a guy's hand. That's a no no.
  2. Yes, but not as a novel in the gdt.
  3. MacKinnon fan site is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  4. I find it interesting that the very same people who call those of us whiners because we complain about officiating are the same ones who criticize the team. So apply their own standards there: "it's a fast game" "best we've got". If it's whining to complain...well.....stop complaining (too). If they weren't critical then fine. But often those very same people talk out of both sides of their mouths because they're constantly slamming the team but don't you dare say anything about the refs. Deal with it.
  5. Used to, many years ago. So glad I quit. Never really did like weed...it just set my anxiety on fire but I was a go with the flow'er and all my friends did so when I was young and stupid I did too. My entire family smoked cigarettes and it was a natural for me to follow that path. Smoked a lot...my ex hated it and was a big factor in why I quit. Also, I was into fitness and so that didn't really make sense.
  6. Petey did win a Calder. As I said, I really don't giving a flying f about great Nate. I don't deny he's a good player, but I also don't have to sing his praises either. I'm a fan of this team and these players so what he does really doesn't interest me. His dive really wasn't becoming of him. I could see if it was something worthy of attention...but basically a one handed love tap. He should be good enough to not need to get the refs to swoop in and help him. Diva crap. Many here roasted JT for slamming a gate, a stick....so it's only fair we put other players under the microscope to criticize. Nate, you're up.
  7. I mean, that gave them a 5 on 3 in the third period. Yet Quinn got high sticked and they let it go. And consider that the light one handed brush with the stick garnered the same penalty as this. Two minutes:
  8. And then they call this? Very piss poor.
  9. Here's the thing. Yes, MacKinnon's a good player but I don't give a f about the guy. He's not on my team and, as a matter of fact, he's on a team I can't stand so he can take a flying leap at a rolling donut. He's a #1 pick and so his bar should be set higher. He's played twice the number of games of Petey. Played double the number of years. Don't compare Nate now to Petey....go back to the first 6 years to do it fairly. Petey's not firing on all cylinders but Nate's not a God like some make him out to be. And his drama was a over the top prima donna crap. I'm going to ignore all the negativity. I saw someone challenge the fact that fans have a right to be negative but do they? I mean look at where we are this year and tell me that we shouldn't maybe heap praise on our team for how far they've come rather than setting totally unrealistic expectations. Like winning every game. Or just never turning back with a lead...teams come at you harder. Teams blow leads all the time...that's not just a Canucks thing it's just how it is. So if we can't "whine" about reffing quit whining about the team losing at times. Happens. But some here hit the panic button and act like the team's awful. They're not. Maybe just get behind them.
  10. Happy birthday to our best. Our beast.
  11. Happy birthday to our best. He ain't no diving diva like that other guy last night. Nope, he's a damn warrior and come playoffs a head slam into the boards won't even stop him.
  12. That was what set me off. In a league that's been supposedly getting head shots out of the game since 1805, they have to try harder. That was a dangerous play and if Miller laid on the ice like an Av, maybe they would've been forced to get it right. They shouldn't need that help though...it was an obvious 5 minute. And to see Manson on the ice afterward was just...wrong. Give him the Myers treatment.
  13. Also, MacKinnon didn't do much until the refs slanted the ice .... before that, not much there. Miller had control of things until that POS slammed his head into the boards. I do agree...Petey's got to do more. He's supposed to be our game breaker and I have confidence he will be again.
  14. These are....a bunch of excuses. In any other job, they'd have to answer for their decisions. "It's not like there's a pool of better refs" and "have been making bad calls since" indicate that they could and probably should be...better. You don't just settle in professional leagues. Train them to be better. Make them accountable and maybe do pressers to explain why they called things the way they did. Don't let them slink out of the building and be silent. Let's hear from THEM why/how hard it is. Players, coaches not only have to answer with pressers, they can be fined for what they say/do. Refs should have to be accountable too.... Coaches like Torts....there's huge frustration and it's not a good look on the league. But the refs go unscathed. Whining about how hard it is for them. At this point, I accept that they're crap...but doesn't mean I can't call it like I see it. It's not whining, it's an observation. Deal with it.
  15. You can swoon over him but I'm not going to. He SHOULD be better...he was a number one pick overall. But his diving is less than spectacular. Play with integrity. F the Avalanche. No love for them here.
  16. Miller? Ever heard of that guy? Also...you mean like this?
  17. On the bright side, I thought DeSmith played well and it's a relief that we have someone reliable now that Demko's out.
  18. Miller wasn't hurt so that's a takeaway for me. Despite the fact that Manson felt that headhunting was the way to contain him. Again...more a sign of weakness than strength. Avs are dirty divers. But some wave their pom poms so, like the team, I guess we just have to contend with it.
  19. You mean the pp where they ran all kinds of picks that were ignored? And Quinn got clipped and...nothing? Right. Anyhow, I feel confident that this team WILL adjust and learn how to win despite the refs but other teams will rely on them and they won't always get that advantage. Av's didn't look so big/bad before the refs stepped in. Diving is an indicator that they're needing some help....that's a sign of weakness.
  20. The turning point. Now yes, it's on the Canucks to stay composed and battle through adversity. But you have to question the timing of the refs deciding to nail it down. Swooping in for the third....after glancing over a head shot as they did. Very suspect when they suddenly wake up and start seeing things. Connect the dots to see when/how the Avs took the game over. Not all on their own.
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