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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I don't accept the shitty reffing and diving nor is it whining to address it. Whining suggests a tone or mood....something that even the super sleuths on here can't detect through keystrokes. I also don't ignore the fact that the team unravels and looks shellshocked when the refs lace them up for the other side. They have to become acclimatized to this environment of incompetence, selective blindness and ineptness. Shouldn't be this way, but it is. And they can beat both teams if they stay focused. Av's needed a handicap and got it. That reveals a lot to me. Canucks owned this game until the refs took control. They have to find a way to battle through it but I also recognize that 5 on 3's at the end of a game that they've played hard in up until that point will tire a team out. More than the one being gifted the advantages. So there's that but sure. Ignore it. People who chime in with their "whining" tough guy chirps can stick their heads in the sand but we don't all have to. If you think this is pro level stuff, well, I can't help you. It's not WHY we lost but it certainly contributed to it. Yes, all teams contend with it but I'm not convinced that if/when the McDavids, Matthews, MacKinnons take a head shot it'll be a non event like it was tonight. There's not a level playing field and that can impact games.
  2. Not only that....they showed up AFTER they used some questionable tactics to get an upper hand. It's pathetic to me. Diving and dirty play.
  3. A great take. Some here dive in after a loss to tell us how it is....it's amusing but tiring. If they accept diving, piss poor reffing and things that really don't show a lot of integrity in the game, that doesn't mean we all have to. Teams DO have to contend with stuff but we are all too often pulling on the short stick. Those defending the refs/diving/etc. as "part of the game" need to answer this. If that was Tyler Myers doling that hit.....would he get to see the rest of the game? I'm still pissed because Manson was targeting JT. And he could've really injured him. Good players don't need to embellish....maybe that's our mistake though. Maybe JT should lie on the ice and flop around like a fish just pulled into the boat. Academy award injuries like the Avs do. I mean, if that's acceptable it's kind of lame. I just don't think it is and I'm glad my team doesn't pull that shit in order to win. It kind of taints it. When people throw the word "whining" out there it's often because they just don't have a reasonable argument. They come in here to whine about blowing a lead so...practice what you preach. Hitting up my ignore button because it's all too predictable after a loss. Never here for the wins or the actual game day talk. Just crash the door down afterward.... To those here for the right reasons, cheers. We'll get those bastards next time.
  4. People cry and throw tantrums?
  5. I'm not whining I'm diving. Nate taught me. Remember, that's acceptable to you. Don't worry about me, you do you.
  6. Sucker punch....which describes how they won this game. They're trash. I hate the Avs and that goes way back.
  7. Happens a lot here. Like look at people chiming in here now....yet the first period and a half...crickets. Awesome fun they are.
  8. He'll probably get an award for bravery from the league.
  9. So you're ok with diving? I'm not.
  10. Av's .... all they need is Tony Granato standing on their bench yelling and pointing a finger and they'll be all set. Just like old times. Dirty. Diving. Divas. I feel confident that this team would whip their sorry asses if the refs didn't swoop in to save them just in the nick of time. We have to be better and expect that to happen. It does....don't unravel or change the game plan. I sure hope Nate's ok after that brutal side swipe he took. Was quite dramatic. Yet Huggy gets clipped. Helter Skelter Manson tries to take JT's head off. Seems legit. That's their game plan I guess. I'm angry because I feel shortchanged in a game that this team was dominating. I'd like it to be a fair fight, but whatever. This is bush league stuff. And the team does have to respond better when the refs suit up for the other team. I'm just glad JT's ok. They won't keep him down for long...he'll disassemble the Avs all on his own. Nate the fake. Another McDavid...loads of skill. Not much dignity.
  11. Anyone thinking that had their mind set before the game. Av fanboys. This team outplayed them until, yes, they unraveled a bit from the 5 on 3 on. Momentum shifted and they didn't take it back. But no...the Av's were embarrassing. Diving. Getting away with headshots. That's NOT good hockey. They look more desperate than dominant to me. That'll only take them so far...they think they deserve it. It has to be earned. Yes, they took over the game at the end. They had some help with that. Whatever. F them.
  12. Flukey goal, figures. Av's are not as good as this game represents them as. They got a WHOLE lot of help and some luck too. Whatever. They don't scare this team and if the refs did their jobs a bit better, momentum wouldn't have shifted so much. Unleash the trolls.
  13. Turning point...refs doing a piss poor job. That old "adversity" again. Avs are shit. Their diving and dirty play says it all. F anyone who thinks they're better than this team. They got a lot of help this game. Manson shouldn't even be playing but, hey. It is what it is.
  14. Because the refs handed them a 5 on 3. Don't forget that part...but it doesn't fit your narrative.
  15. Trolling again. Yawn. Not mad, just calling it for what it is. Bullshit. You never believe in this team but that's on you. Go back and look at your own history (I did). It's sad, really. In or out. Anyhow, ignore. I'm not in the mood for fighting with guys who've called their cup winners. This team not being included.
  16. It's like a broken record...they're usually wrong but never learn.
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