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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. They just don't want to be TOO obvious. Even though they are. They know they've tilted this game in the third so they're trying to be fair. Better late than never I guess.
  2. Not really floating. They're a little discombobulated after 5 on 3's and stuff. Momentum shifted.
  3. They won't be able to see that it did, but they'll pretend that they did.
  4. I like the calmness I just saw there in moving the puck out. No time to panic.
  5. Guys have to regroup....refs are doing their shit again but we should be used to it by now. Just take it back. Av's are frauds.
  6. Getting REAL tired of the refs not calling their little pick plays.
  7. I think since Joshua broke his hand fighting the team's a bit more reluctant to throw punches. We need everyone for playoffs. As much as I want them to knock them out physically, it's probably wiser to beat them on the scoreboard. Avs think they're the shit so knocking them down that way works too. They'll push hard in the 3rd...hope the guys keep the energy level up.
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