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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I liked the Canadian women's synchro routine. Apparently Snoop did too.
  2. Someone jumped in the water from the shore on the right...to try to help? Also, is this a "lifeguard"? Seems they weren't really doing a great job if so.
  3. OMG this is terrible! I feel sick watching this, knowing someone was in such distress and the idiots in charge overlooked it. What an awful thing for his family and friends who were watching this unfold. This would be absolutely devastating because it was preventable with some intervention.
  4. They make it look easier than it obviously is. The level of fitness to be able to do some of those moves is off the charts. I love the addition...keeping it fresh and progressive. It was the Chinese woman who drew me in...I thought she was phenomenal. I don't think she won but from what I saw/know, she should have.
  5. Also, is JT moonlighting at the Olympics?
  6. LOL me too. The more the merrier? Cycling free for all? Something like that.
  7. Personally, I really like the breakdancing. I'm a little mesmerized by it all.
  8. Arop with a brilliant race to get in for the 800m final. Well done!
  9. They put up a good fight...well done, ladies.
  10. That tired diving Brazilian's looking for help. Net challenge. Whatever.
  11. Punch her! Make a new full contact volleyball event!
  12. Wearing them down!!! LFG!!!!
  13. Ladies have so much grit and determination....really holding their own in this match.
  14. Trump? "I want a redo"
  15. Too bad....fastest bronze ever lost? 24 seconds? Aw well, good showing. Too bad an American took her. (Taylor)
  16. I understood the French commentary! "GO GO GO"
  17. You killed me with this one.
  18. It's today at 1:30 I think
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