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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Thank God! He's better than these Av's and be damned if they can take him out.
  2. Miller's a f'n warrior,that's why. And I hope he gets a hattrick to show Manson who's boss.
  3. He did know because he did it intentionally. Which is what enrages me. He had no response to JT so .... let's go full A(valance)hole. Takes me back....why I hate this scumshitbowl of a team. JT's got dignity so he didn't lay on the ice pretending he had broken bone and forcing the refs to do their jobs. Sometimes I really hate this game. F the Av's and their pathetic cheating ways when they're not the golden f'n boys that they think they are.
  4. Miller didn't cry like a little bitch. But that shouldn't lessen the attention this gets.
  5. I'm so mad right now I can barely breathe. The penalty is an illegal check to the head. So why is he allowed to stay in the game? If they're serious about eliminating head shots, that's how you do it...you throw his ass out and suspend him.
  6. Yep, he was targetting him. Took the Steve Moore course in POSism. Same ol' Avs. When they have no response to our big players they get dirty and dole headshots.
  7. Take this POS out. F'n goof. Looks like his mother mated with a mongoose.
  8. These f'n refs need to f off and get their shit together. Manson needs a f'n face rearrangement.
  9. He can take his opinion, shine it up REAL nice turn it sideways and..... There is absolutely NO room for this turdbucket on our bandwagon. GTFO.
  10. Yet when someone arrived and tried to claim my seat I had to go through a big hassle with them/the usher (who even called in security when I firmly resisted moving partway through the game!) It was a huge fiasco and I eventually reluctantly moved just so I could see the end of the game but I'd missed most of a period trying to reason with the d bag usher. It was ridiculous....I got an apology and tickets to a future game but it really was handled incredibly piss poor. The usher seemed to maybe know the guys trying to take over my seat(s) - I had two because my son didn't use his seat that night. Even the people around me were telling the usher he had things wrong and to move (he was blocking their view of the game too). But he was obnoxious and intimidating. A guy beside me totally went to bat for me and told the usher he was being an ass and he was going to report him (turned out he did ... the usher got fired). I'm sorry you got treated that way...even though it was your mistake I'm sure they could have accommodated you somehow.
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