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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Can't stand Vegas and their gawdy flashy golden cheating selves. Mark Stone pulling his usual pre playoff deal. Predictable. If the Canucks pulled this stunt there'd be a criminal investigation launched. Want Petey and Miller to lead the way again and show these clowns what's up.
  2. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you. One day the pain will be replaced by the beautiful memory of you sitting beside him as the game was on. At least that's what my last memories morphed into...something very special shared between my Mom and I. Despite it being agonizing to see her slip away. When she passed, I really didn't have anyone to lean on and was very isolated. I had to take care of my kids and my Dad but I could've really used a community like this one. It really is special and I'm happy that you have your family here to share with. We're all in this thing together. Stealth ribs is the absolute best....he kept us going and this was all his doing. We need each other as humans. That's the truth. Please take care.
  3. If Kessel shows up I'm boycotting hot dogs. Please, no.
  4. No, not attention. Some consistency. Jumping on board when the team gets hot but SO quick to turn. Everyone can be a fan however they like, however....this team gets slagged a lot. It sticks. We get enough of it from the media megaphones out there. I think it's more that those who take any opportunity to slam the team are seeking attention. Because if they really don't believe this team is any good (which some here portray) then why would they even bother? Our fanbase is jaded and it's understandable...we're long suffering at this point. But at some point, you have to buy into the team. They HAVE had a great season but some keep finding reasons to try to diminish it. It's more of them seeking "aha, told you so!" moments in my view. Attention Teams win and lose. They aren't always "on"...all teams, not just this team. But somehow this team gets scrutinized even WHEN they've managed to stay atop the league. It's kind of ridiculous. Can they play better than they have lately? Of course. And it's ok to say that....but some go a lot further than that. We're finally having a really fun year yet there are those who chime in with negativity at every opportunity. You don't have to be sunshine and roses but to deny that this team's doing some really great things is just silly. Some here have their "winners" picked out in advance and haven't factored this team into the equation. That's on them. And I do use Miller as an example because people wrote him off so early. Learn from those mistakes rather than keep making them. As I've said before...pace yourself. Don't decide "good/bad" every single game. Go with the flow. See what unfolds rather than tell us what's going to unfold based on history that this team is rewriting.
  5. Jonathan Thriller Miller King Killer A real team pillar 8 points in his last 5 games...
  6. He's strung together a few good games now and has really stood out to me. I really like his physicality, that'll be huge in the playoffs. He's #17 overall in the NHL for hits yet he's played 10-15 games less than some. I also loves how he's RIGHT there when there's a scuffle. Got your back team player.
  7. I am SO damn glad we have Zadorov....come playoffs, that's really going to matter. He was just perfect...letting guys know after the whistle that he was "there". Not doing anything to be penalized, but making his presence be known. Happy he's on our side.
  8. Questioning the team goes along those same lines though. Each and every game......it doesn't serve much of a point to make declarations that they're "this" or "that". Don't get too high or too low. But some'll write the team off at the first signs of trouble. Doesn't serve much of a point. Ride it out. Wait and see.
  9. I already put my bid in.
  10. I honestly don't know that I've ever seen a player skate/stickhandle like Huggy. He's so agile, quick, smooth. It's really a treat to watch him. It's pretty rare that he falters...he's rock solid. What a great captain he is.
  11. I love that JT showed confidence in how they can beat them....got their game plan figured out. F the Kings...they're trash.
  12. They did play very fast in the second...I noticed.
  13. I earned it. I stick by my team.
  14. And Oilers will catch us. And we're not....blah blah blah.
  15. Just...pace yourself, that's all. They're not what fans think they are? Hit the panic button at the first signs of struggle. I'm glad the team proved you wrong.
  16. Big bad boys of LA. Pouty Doughty & their fans who blow. BYOW (bring your own whistle) They tried to BORE us to death. Didn't work. JT f'n Miller.
  17. So you're back on the bandwagon?
  18. Same ones who wanted Miller traded for tape also want to ditch the team at the first sign of trouble. I know what my team is.
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