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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. We have a lot of fairweather fans on board. Love us when we're winning...we're the worst when we're not. They have to learn to weather the storms and not decide until things are...decided. Seasons are long...peaks and valleys happen.
  2. Count your chickens before they hatch. You picked your favourites for the cup. It's well noted. I have faith in this team even if you don't. We'll just have to wait and see what plays out. Teams won't kill it all year. Remember how the Oilers started? I'm not counting us out just yet.....this team isn't what you think they are (either).
  3. This is 100% false. Yes, all year long they weren't good and just fluked out being on top of the entire league. "The big boys" lol
  4. "And now, for your viewing pleasure, we're going to have cane races from the LA Seniors Home" Followed by A macrame demonstration.
  5. -dlc-

    Cover Songs

    The sound is SO bad (be warned) but man, do I love this. Rockin out in a Canucks jersey is the best.
  6. -dlc-

    Cover Songs

    I've got this on a demo CD of PJ's from before they hit it.
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