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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. My Dad loves him and has watched all of his movies about 100 times each. When I go there he's like "shhh, I'm watching a movie". "Which one?' "True Grit" "Again"
  2. Right?? Such a sad sight. (I can relate...I wear mine right out too)
  3. I love that Juuls is #21 overall in hits for d men despite having played up to 15 games less than the others. He's a beast.
  4. What about this guy? We need him. I've been so busy at work I'm behind...any word on his return?
  5. Myers blocked a couple of shots in the second....I vaguely recall them saying he wasn't on the bench in the third. Do we know what his status is?
  6. Petey's ours though. If you don't see why we're a bit easier/more loyal to him, maybe you're doing it wrong and we're not. Just a thought. F Nylander and the Leafs. Besides, I laugh at Nylander because his helmet is ridiculous. What's he got stuffed up under there....money? A giant manbun?
  7. It's a bit ridiculous though. You don't do that if you're realistic. Players will have hot and cold runs...it's just part of being human. The what have you done for me lately that goes back a couple of games is overkill. He's over a ppg player, has NINE gwg's (more than Mc or Matthews) and even when he's off he finds ways to contribute. He's up there in the standings but some maybe don't look at the big picture. Like they did with Miller...zero in on what he isn't doing and ignore what he is. People expect dangles and dazzle but sometimes "finding a way" is part of winning. He hasn't disappeared...he's struggling a bit. And that's ok because his entire body of work tells the story. Not just the rough patches, which is what some hone in on.
  8. Exactly. Which is why we need to pace ourselves with a "wait and see" approach. The Miller (was surely going to be gone) stuff should've taught us that. Vancouver's becoming more and more desirable and players not only want to come here again, they want to stay here. That's becoming evident. This team is close to something very special and they're finding a way to really come together as a group. Chemistry and familiarity between some of the core players is dynamite when it clicks. All teams go through peaks and valleys but this one's learning to weather storms and be resilient. Not to buckle. Petey's "home" where he belongs.
  9. Thing is, you can use positioning to offset speed. I like Cole but he's not always on his game and when he's not it can create some chaos in our end. I like it when he plays a physical game.
  10. I guess you forgot how unforgettable Matthews was in November? And then there was "We want Florida" excellence that he displayed: Flaky? But a guy who moons security in his building isn't? Don't worry about our guy, he's just fine. Auston hasn't done squat yet (either). Well, except when he pulls his pants down I guess.
  11. Cinnamon or dinner? I'm sensing some tongue in cheek stuff here....at least I hope so.
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