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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Yeah, I keep changing my mind. I really like Blueger too and he's up there for me too. I like Lafferty but he's not been as effective as I'd hoped he be.
  2. Yeah but he wasn't wrong. Not bad mouthing so much....more, calling him out. And Drance deserved it (and seemingly changed his tune a bit since...isn't quite as negative). Drance dishes it out and it was his turn to take some, that's all.
  3. Honestly? For me, in order: Joshua, Hronek, Big Z DeSmith, Blueger, Myers, Cole, Lindholm Lafferty, Friedman
  4. No, there was plenty of talk around the subject. People who scratch the surface on things without realizing Petey's a quieter single gamer guy and Miller's an outspoken edgy married Dad with 3 kids. They're different, that's all. But some read into it that because they don't hang out together and are not BFF's that it's somehow related to them playing hockey together. It's always something.
  5. I've told you all my LONG story before. Here's the condensed (as best as I can do) version: Mom and Dad - both huge sports fans (Mom moreso than Dad). I took that on. As a teen, chasing my b/f around...we had a friend with an older brother who had his own apartment. Watching over there. Them watching the game, me mostly watching him. We'd go on to get married. My ex started losing interest in sports...we were doomed at that point. When we split up my son was young and I had to pick up the slack and be mom and dad. My son loved hockey early on so it was he and I. He played...I took him to practices/games. He loved the Canucks...again, following Grandma's lead (my mom). Her favourites? Trevor and .... Brent Sopel. Gino (she taught him how to play poker). My brother was a card collector/seller and invited us to shows. Hockey was just everything all the time for us. Back then they had lots of fun stuff for kids...family carnivals, open practices, etc. We did them all. We met Bure (a few times), Linden (many times), Pat Quinn, etc. The team felt like family to us. '94 when we lost the cup we went to a big deal at BC Place to "celebrate" the team. Felt like we'd won the cup...so fun. Hung in there through some rough patches. The dark Messier/Kennan clusterpuck era. And the Steve Moore bs (I led the Bertuzzi march). Then my friend started inviting me to games in 2010....on the glass. It was such a surreal experience being down there. 2011 - my glory days. Went to so many games, got to go behind the scenes, meet players (accidentally wandered into the wives' room lol). Amped it up even more. Burr, Bieksa, Sedins. So fun. And then...this team. What's not love? Petey got us all super stoked. Miller (for me) from the get go. Huggy (my son's current favouite). It all just makes sense. I was born this way. CDC really sent it to the next level for me. Have met so many good people. My son met his wife there. Her best friend met her guy there. It's just been a wonderful experience for our family going way back.
  6. Recently, yes. Lots of bs swirling around out there. It just shifts from one to the next. Was Horvat, then Petey/Miller. I hope it stops and people learn.
  7. I've been doing that. Yep. Just soak it all in. It's a good day, folks. Our team wanting to be here/together shows that we're in good shape.
  8. I'm really glad that Petey has the Sedins here as mentors. I'm sure the comfort level for him here really does weigh in. Sure, money's the most important thing and driving force for players. But playing in Vancouver with familiarity and support rather than heading off to the unknown really just allows Petey to dig his heels in and focus on his game. No big disruptions or further distractions. I can't wait until he starts to really heat it up again. Although, I mean...he's still over a ppg and has as many gwg's this year as McBaby and Auston Asshues combined. He's a big deal even if some are slagging on him right now. Does he have to pick it up a bit? Sure. But losing him would've been a HUGE blow.
  9. Petey re-signed, sun is out. It's a great day!

    1. 112


      We keep getting more snow in PG. 😞 I can't complain about the signing, though!

    2. -dlc-


      Yesterday I drove along No. 4 Road in Richmond after work....was blizzard like conditions. Could barely see out the windshield...big black sky. By the time I got near the highway it was sunshine.


      Weird weather lately. We're expecting more snow (I hear)....right now, blue sky/sunshine.

  10. I was just typing that he's taking a page out of Lu (and Gino's) book/s.
  11. I love this. I think he meant "show your hand" but we'll get him to the poker table soon enough.
  12. I did too at first...went back and went "OK, makes sense now"
  13. Thinks Van is similar to Sweden...thought that right away when he got here. Always felt like "home". Yes, Deb's in tears. Our baby's staying home.
  14. I don't agree. He's shown "toughness" in that he isn't afraid to hit. Balance/core/stability work.
  15. He always wanted to stay here but....you don't give up your cards during negotiations (I think he means you don't show your hand).
  16. Elias' reaction: "I'm super excited...this is where I wanted to be"
  17. Not this Miller fan. Also a Petey fan. People just love to scream about something...that's what I'm noticing. It's a flavour of the week thing and they like to be heard. I like to turn down the volume.
  18. Exactly. On ice, they're good and there's nothing to worry about. Two guys at different places in their lives....sure, they likely don't have a lot in common or hang out after practice together. But none of that matters. It's on ice that matters and they're both highly skilled fierce competitors and likely have a mutual respect for one another based on that. They're striving for a common goal and we need both of them to get us there.
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