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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. All the crap garbage noise about he and Miller not being BFF's. If there's one thing this fanbase could really learn it's NOT to create or buy into drama. I love that we have them both on board....it shows the room (particularly the core) IS buying in to this team and on the same page despite what the sh disturbers put out there. They've battled through adversity together and that can really be team bonding. I see their (JT/Petey's) relationship like big/little brother stuff. JT likes to kid and Petey likely "gets" his sense of humour now and isn't intimidated by or worried about it.
  2. Great news! Let's go Petey...all distractions out of the way.
  3. Can't hate on my team. They're slumping, happens. I'm glad to hear Lafferty was good...I was so hyped on him at first. Every single player needs to elevate their game at this point, no passengers. We are all JT Millers. Speaking of JT, sounds like he had another beast of a game with 7 hits, 6 shots. Never thought we'd miss Joshua so much, but we do. What happened to Myers at the end there? I'm actually back on board with him lately, he's been pretty good. Not sure about this game as I only saw the 3rd.
  4. Me too. They're so sharp and I feel they really give the team a bit more intimidation factor.
  5. I hate the fact that I have to miss the game....will pvr it and go into shut down mode until I watch it after work. Work an 8 am - 9 pm shift tomorrow, no way out of it. Will miss y'all....go Canucks! One of my favourite games I saw live was when I won 50 lower bowl tickets and took a whole bunch of people to watch the Kings get clobbered by us 6-2. I brought along people from LA who live here now and had never been to a hockey game. They loved it and became instant fans of the team! A great memory.
  6. This market is like that....love you when you're hot and throw daggers when you run cold. It's why some don't want to play in a fishbowl market. Everyone's ready to pounce. You have to have a thick skin and not absorb the stuff that swirls around in the air. JT faced it all last year, this year it's Petey's turn in the fire. Sadly. Just get behind our players...we've seen both good and bad from them but that's part of being....human.
  7. Thing is, he's always had that mentality but he gets frustrated when things unravel and rightfully so. He puts it all out there and if other players aren't expending the same amount of energy or showing an urgency to win, he sometimes lets it vent. Last year with stick smashes and gate slams...Tocchet has helped him channel it better but he's always had the same drive and determination. I've seen him as the engine all along. Even WHEN he maybe missed a backcheck and headed to the bench and he was accused of being lazy. The guy just wants to win and it weighs heavily on him and he isn't afraid to show that. He's also said it all along...passion and intensity drive him and that can go both ways at times. The same things that fuel his fire and have him such a competitor take a toll when things aren't working. Being given the opportunity to shine and become a leader here have provided him a platform to really flourish as a player. What rubbed some the wrong way (him being too vocal and demonstrative) is exactly what this team needed. No quiet lay lowers. I loved that quote. "we could have killed them in the second instead of letting them back in". He knows what's up. They rest on leads at times and have to go for the jugular instead.
  8. It's so damn refreshing to hear the entire world singing the praises of JT Miller. Even the panel post game. Just like Burr....shutting up all the naysayers who cried when he got pissed off in the past. He's the real deal.
  9. Not really. Got a point and they played a damn good game.
  10. Damn, they don't deserve to lose that. Demko tried man. Too bad.
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