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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. But you WERE talking about Tocchet last year. And suggested that JT got it together because of/after Tocchet. That it was a remarkable turnaround when it wasn't...it was him playing how he'd played previously. So you've ignored his 99 point season and my point that he was already a great player....yes, he and the team unravelled as things fell apart. If anyone gave them a chance to pull things out of the funk, JT was the guy. His attitude reflected an unhappiness with the state of things and no one should've been complacent. So don't bother. You won't convince me and you're back pedalling on your own initial points. When was he "untradeable"? That wasn't the case...the team had what they wanted in return for him and teams were trying to fleece them. They didn't bite. Yes, for a short period when our d was atrocious and coaching wasn't creating anything new, he struggled along with the team. But you've taken it out context to focus ON his attitude like it was a cause when really it was just a result of what was happening. Frustration set in and he wasn't happy. I'm glad someone had the nerve to react and didn't just settle in and offer excuses. He owned it.
  2. Excellent GDT! Really love the effort you put into it, awesome. A little confused by the only worse than and winning percentage stuff though. Let's go. Big win against Cindy and her pet penguins.
  3. The energy they bring is infectious....I just love that they returned for this game. So great, they should've got 3rd star(s).
  4. I didn't say that....but you're exaggerating my (valid) points and that really just helps to justify them. You don't have a response and that's obvious. What about his 99 point season? He was already on the path to where he is now whether you recognize it or not. You're ignoring how good he was before they hit the skids. The entire team was bad...if there was one guy who really gave them life at times, it was JT.
  5. I feel that one thing we all have to learn as a fanbase is to not fall apart at every sign of trouble. Weather the storms. We have good reason to be nervous....the past has created that atmosphere of "uh oh, here we go again". But even when the team struggles, we should learn not to trash them so easily. Hang in there with them, get behind them. They've earned our respect at this point. No matter how things play out...they're a good team and this isn't just a run of easy wins. This has been a sustained thing over 3/4 of a season now. Meaningless in the overall quest for the cup at this point, but means something in how we view them and credit is due for how they're showing up this year.
  6. I honestly feel that this team has had enough eating people's crap. In the media, from other teams....even their own fanbase at times. They really want to shove it down everyone's throats. They ARE a respectable team and not a laughing stock. I feel what they've battled through has helped bond them. A lot of adversity has been thrown at them. We heard how the culture had to change. Country club. Easy to play against. Now, the weird thing for me is they've sort of adopted a bit of a JT smash your stick attitude. Some toxicity, which is ok on the ice. You don't wanna play nice, nice guys finish last. Even Quinn's channeling some inner rage lately...not that we want frustrated players. But damn, don't just accept a funk and go quietly. Everyone seemed scared to speak out, to ruffle feathers. Better to exchange "That's a good team over there" pleasantries. JT spoke out about the team's post COVID schedule. He pulls no punches and it's refreshing. Honesty, transparency, integrity. Those are good things to lead with. I feel that he's changed the team culture and leads by example. We have the quiet leaders (like Huggy) who do their "speaking" on the ice. Petey. But JT's a guy who'll go to bat for the team. Stand in there for interviews and not give a shit what people think. This team's maturing....the experience they've gained over the past few years and some real adversity has given them something to draw from. They don't want it to fall apart to the level it has in the past and know that it quickly can. And they're learning not to just succumb to it...they're fighting back. Both physically and mentally.
  7. I LOVE the green men. They're wild and unpredictable. Much prefer these two to a guy banging a drum in my ear, yelling and pointing during gameplay. Same routine, over and over. This is much more my style and how I roll. Not sure what that says about me.
  8. So from when? Be specific so I can tell you you're wrong. He's been a ppg player pretty much since he got here. The team was awful for a bit....but he was the one guy who at times tried to drag them out of the funk. Remember, our d was atrocious so that wasn't really his fault.
  9. PREACH IT MY BROTHER. I honestly have a good eye for talent (yes, I'm going to pump my own tires for a minute). I think they should hire me as a scout. (heehee) As a woman, I've taken so much heat...."you don't know hockey/anything" stuff. Homer cheerleader. Yes, I am those things but I'm also a long time fan of this team and go to many games and watch every single one of them. Closely. I remember taking heat when everyone wanted Bieksa gone after his injury/ies. He was done. Pinched too often and got caught. Blah blah blah. But he was my guy. Him and Burr. They got trashed a lot too....until people caught on. Started watching instead of listening (to the rumblings). Warriors. Like JT. When someone was actually throwing out a Juice jersey, I was asked if I wanted it. Damn right I did....wore the 3 right off the back of it. Same with Burr....I started following him early (when my daughter met him as a rookie and I jokingly said "you can marry this one"). We were fans from day one because he was so cordial and polite. Loved his fans. But as I watched him, I saw the same thing....that do or die attitude. Hated to lose. My track record's pretty good so far and I'm proud of that. I stand behind players despite having to go against the grain at times (early on). A few here went HARD at me (and a couple others) about the JT thing. We didn't know anything about anything. Except we did. Now I get to gloat a bit. I love my team and the players who wear their hearts on their sleeves are the ones for me. Not so much flash and dash....more grit and give 'em sh stuff. JT will never be out of the spotlight and as soon as he hits rough patches, people will chime in. Short memory types. Just as when the team strings a few losses together, they're done. Crap. Not good enough. Pick a side and stick with it. Slam the gate for emphasis. JT is my number one, that's no secret....but from the minute he got here I saw it. That heart and soul player who hated to lose. A small handful of us did and wouldn't be persuaded by all the noise. I'm glad the team wasn't influenced by the screaming masses out there who wanted him gone. Thank God they knew.
  10. It really could have snowballed and gotten away from them. For me, it shows when they start gripping the sticks too tight and playing tentative. They had such a good rhythm going right before the break...was a shame that was interrupted. I'm SO glad they regrouped and took it back last night.
  11. Anyhow....this was a positive thing (seeing that people are finally getting to appreciate JT). But some still have to somehow make him out to be something he's not. Nor ever was. "Toxic". Those takes are toxic and we need to learn not to do that about our players. They get enough heat from others.
  12. So true, yes. Love Tocchet, know the impact he's had. Bruce was the right guy to come in and play cheerleader. Believe in the team and get them believing in themselves. That only went so far though. Funny how "toxic" JT was the one guy who stayed on the bench beside Bruce that last game. Spoke volumes for me. True character shining through. JT's a villain Tocchet's the saviour/hero The drama/soap opera element. I just know that it's more complex than what it looks like at surface level. Again...going to games and watching how everyone interacts, seeing the behind the play stuff. You get a better picture than a few keystrokes on Twitter can give you. JT bad.
  13. The team loved Kes from what I got...at least most of them. Again, that on ice "toxicity" is passion and intensity for those seeing it for what it is. Guys who hate losing. Competitiveness. As Miller has explained, when you play on that edge you can't just shut it on/off. It's a fine line to dance on. Like Miller, Kes was a joker behind the scenes. A guy who had a lot of fun with his teammates and often used sarcasm as part of that. Everyone should be a miserable SOB when losing...anyone who's not doesn't care enough in my books. Nice guys finish last.
  14. The entire team looked (was) bad at that time. But people need a scapegoat and drama. Don't forget, he had a 99 point season the year before. It's not like this is new success for him. Last year wasn't this big turning point that some claim it was. He was good before Tocchet. Our d was terrible so don't forget that part or blame JT like he was responsible for stuff. Yes,Tocchet's helped him elevate his game, but he was already damn good. Some just didn't know it (yet). They watched for all the wrong things and not nearly closely enough. They TMZ'd hockey. He did get frustrated and hates losing...and sometimes wore that. His lazy backchecks were sometimes just him out of gas....but people didn't see that part because they were waiting for something "toxic"...watching to see more of that. HE SLAMMED HIS STICK OH NO. Like he was the first and last guy to ever do that. lol You see the puck carrier on TV but not what happens away from the play. Which is often JT battling hard. I go to a lot of games and this is NOT a lazy guy...never was. Deflated at times? Sure. But don't run with everything you're being fed on Twitter. They need "stories" and those ones really sell. If you buy into them. He gave up on plays every once in awhile and the optics weren't good....but usually he wasn't going to get back into the play anyhow. Looks valiant to charge back but that's energy that is wasted too. Conserve that energy...get to the bench and let someone fresh come out. He's a smart guy. Toxic was a word for those who don't understand intensity and passion in sports. Rage? It's for those looking for soap opera drama and that ripple of a story turned into a tsunami. Ridiculous. Thank God the team didn't buy into it. Seen Huggy smashing his stick on the bench this year? I love it...we needed more JT energy not less of it. Guys who are f'n ticked off when things aren't going right. Rather than quiet acceptance.
  15. But some people treat every game like a turning point. They keep moving the goalposts. It was wait until 10 games in. It's always that the games we win aren't important but only the ones we lose are. There will be ebbs and flows....wins and losses. Even strung together. I think the thing to remember is that it's a long season and nothing's decided until it's all said and done. Some people want to write us off at every possible chance. Will we win the cup? Odds are against us when 32 teams are all vying for the same thing. One team will, that's it. But we could. That's becoming more and more obvious. I hate the contenders label. Every damn team that gets into the playoffs is a contender. Top teams could lose top players to injury, slumps, etc. Goaltending matters a whole lot...those who get hot at the right time have a huge advantage. Suspensions...we know how that can impact things. Reffing. Just stay healthy and get hot and you could go all the way.
  16. I love that everyone's buying in with Miller now. For sh's & giggles I went back to the old forum (for another reason). And came across a time when everyone but a handful of us had daggers out and wanted to trade him for a pair of socks and a mouthguard. He was toxic. Would ruin the team. Keep Bo over him. He was lazy, greedy, out of shape....would never re-sign here. He's always shown a side of him that is on the edge and sometimes that doesn't look pretty. But the majority of the time...that doesn't look pretty to the other team and that's exactly what we needed. It was quite a trip down memory lane. (And why is that site STILL going?) LOL
  17. I honestly cringe when I see him coming up the stairs and park it near us. In between whistles? Sure. When the game starts, get the heck out of the way! The canned noise thing is needed at times. But he's just way too over the top for me.
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