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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Thing was, when the Bruins started looking to the refs for calls, I knew their game plan wasn't as strong as ours. Pasta, I'm looking at you. A few times I noticed it. Daddy's not there to help them anymore (Chara too...they were nasty dirty when he could back them up)...they're starting to reveal their weaknesses. Swayman lost his cocky swagger when we started crowding his space. I saw him take a few whacks before that....a page straight out of Thomas' playbook. I LOVED that we beat him and he shrivelled a bit. Big hug though dude. I love that Marchand was completely irrelevant last night too. And that they went 0/4 on the pp. I saw one shot from him and that was it. Loved that the crowd let him have it. So fun, wish I was at that game. HUGE props to my fav, JT. And Juuls too.....they hit hard that game. Half the hits attributed to the two of them. Let the Bruins feel that loss.
  2. Yes, but I loved George. It was different...he wasn't so IN YOUR FACE. Maybe it was the set up that didn't make him so glaring. P does get the crowd going...but standing on the stairs next to people trying to actually WATCH the game, his face red/veins bulging as he yells at us and bangs his drum? I find him SO annoying when he's up close and personal. In another section? Sure, go for it. But please don't interfere...blend in more. And he does a 7 Nation Army thing that, for me, is so lame.
  3. All good my friend, just having some fun with you. Just glad that I can.....the big bad Bruins curse has ended.
  4. I LOVE them and would like them to be there. Throw Crazy P out and let these guys take over. Quiet, hilarious antics.
  5. This is a really bad take. Wrong. We were in this game all along....even in the first, outshot and outhit them in the second and third. When we went down 2-0 it wasn't that we were being manhandled. And the team played well enough TO take over and get the win. Boston didn't "let" them in, they charged back in. Bruins looked scared/tentative in the 3rd. This team was NOT going to just let them roll through with the win.
  6. Isn't it a great time to be a fan? To not have to sink into a hole because the team is so awesome? This game showed that they have such pride and won't just roll over and die. Even if some expect them to.
  7. They've proven over the year so far and the fact that some are still skeptical means they really don't know how difficult a feat this is. Cup or bust? 1 team out of 32 will win. If that's the standard for some to buy in to the team, that's on them. A lot of really great/worthy teams won't win. People here ARE negative....just waiting for that one end result. Like all the rest are insignificant. Somehow seemingly taking pleasure when the team falters and they can have an "AHA" moment. Some of us take joy when we can get it. Enjoy the ride. Being skeptical just means you're waiting for something that the odds are stacked against happening. To say "See?! Told you". To....prove something.
  8. Can we just take a moment please
  9. This win'll go a LONG way for chemistry building. After overcoming adversity to beat the Bruins and get back on track. They'll be feeling good...and deserve to.
  10. JT and Juuls responsible for half of those hits. I loved how physical they played. Bruins looked tentative in the third. F THEM
  12. Miller's starting to pay his dues with Brock. Owes him a few. I love it. Those two have chemistry.
  13. Hey Deb, how do you feel right now?
  14. I love that Juice is our cheerleader...you can tell he's pumped over this win.
  15. Isn't he something?? I mean, he's BUILT for playoffs. He HATES to lose. I love snarly JT...and when he smiled at whoever that dumb f chihuahua yapping at him at the end was. A sign. "We've got this"
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