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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I saw this on Clay's Twitter....our anthem singer, Marie's, husband. I hope they get a lot of support.
  2. I'm going to have a nice Greek salad and peach cider(s). I'm over winter comfort good and am craving fresh fruits/veggies. I'm also going to make cabbage rolls this weekend but likely tomorrow.
  3. How about the in betweens....the real realists who know there's a balance between these two takes. We don't have to climb out onto the edge yet but we're also not there yet either. The realists that you speak of need to remember there were 55 games before those 4 losses and there are over 20 games to come? Those 4 games were a very small snippet.
  4. It's really quite glaring when you look at things. In January, before the AS break, this team won 10 of 13 games. Got points in 12/13. Our last game was January 27 and the team was then set on ice for 10 days. They really had some rhythm going, then the plug was pulled. Came back to resume play on a road trip and traveling/playing every other night for 19 days. Throw a back to back in there. Adjusted times of our games to suit the entire world. Mornings on the road. Fun stuff. It's been quite a deal and yes, other teams have to do stuff too. I'm not sure of this magnitude though. Reffing's been ass. We really do miss Joshua in my opinion (quickly has become one of my favourites). He plays a tough game and brings a lot of energy. Sure, teams have to have depth and be able to deal with injury...but we're seeing how much of an impact he has (Soucy too). I hope Joshua sticks around with the team. Not excuses...but certainly stuff to keep in mind. Go Canucks. Let's quiet all the noise.
  5. I love the internet. Although I'm not in favour of Phil the Thrill joining the team, it sure makes for some good content.
  6. I don't know that he JUST saw it as you've said here though. A bit of a misrepresentation in my view. That's the worst case scenario that some fans here have adopted without keeping things in context. Yes, it's slid and they need to find a way. He also did mention being exhausted but doesn't offer that as an excuse. Simply a factor but some don't factor that in. Part of what we're seeing here, but playoffs is a huge test so they have to acclimatize themselves now. "It's been a tough stretch of 2-3 weeks here" and then alluded to wanting to conserve some energy for the game. He gets that part. There's no denying the schedule's been tough and the reffing even tougher. Those aren't things to simply ignore, however, the team does have to stay focused and do the things they know how to do. It's not that they're just "lazy" per se....they're tired and cheating a bit. Not skating. Hopefully a bit of relief in the schedule will help with that. Their pp is struggling. It's not just a write off here and Tocchet won't just assess the team on this small sample size. Big picture is they've done well through the season and need to reset. They have the ability to play a different game and he knows that. They ARE a good team in a grinder right now. The mental game has to refocus and let go of the recent past or they'll get caught up in it (as they appear to be at the moment). Your spin puts a character defect slant on the team and "not the right mix" but I don't know that it's warranted.
  7. When my ex was pulling all nighters with his buddies and I didn't know what state he'd arrive home in, this song gave me courage.
  8. This. It isn't that they aren't good enough...it's that they have to mentally regroup and not play tentative (which is what they tend to do). Do what you know how to do, don't overthink it. The mental game is beating them right now. Well, and the refs but when they do get a pp they have to capitalize.
  9. If we lose another I'm jumping back over to the old forum. Safer there. Let's go Canucks. Your barn, take it back.
  10. Nope. This season they have a reference to go back to. Something that was working that they can refer to. Confidence is definitely a factor....but before they just sucked. This year, they're good. Lots of teams have been losing.
  11. He's been engaged and battling on the boards. I'm not sure people on the trade him pedestal watch him as closely as they should. He hit in the game vs the Wild and the Avs.
  12. They got out of their rhythm on a tough road trip. The ASG was a big party then back to the grind, literally for this team. Refs also really threw a monkey wrench in to things and they need to recover and regroup. It's like last year when they didn't have an answer and played tentative...gripping their sticks too tight. Getting away from what made them effective. I'm not seeing many good hits...refs have made them scared to play physical. When a game is getting away from them sometimes knocking the other team off their stride is necessary. Kraken flying into our zone at times unimpeded. I just hope this isn't the beginning of the end of this great year. I don't buy the we're not good enough narrative and think they can turn this around. Get home, get some practices and refreshers in, get back and into winning ways. All other top teams have had a losing skid so I'm not as worried as some. Happens. But it's also nothing to just ignore. I won't kick my team when they're down. Let's go Canucks, pick it up.
  13. I'd love to see some emotion injected into this game. Maybe a big hit (or 2). Something to wake me them up.
  14. Yep and some net crashing too. Gotta get ugly goals because the pretty ones ain't happening.
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