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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Here's the thing though... For some people, image is everything. But I'm not one of those people. I don't give a rat's ass what people in Toronto or Boston or Edmonton think of me. I probably think the same of them, so we're even. A bad look? The refs are giving the league a bad look so that's where it starts. Once they get their act together, we'll have no need to mention them. Appearances aren't everything. Integrity, transparency, accountability, fairness. Those things are much more important to me. Until then, I like doing it my way. I don't keep quiet or worry about what people think. I'm secure in the fact that the people I care about and the one in the mirror think I'm doing ok. Those are the ones who count to me. I don't go out of my way to worry about stereotypes.
  2. Not really ... Auger took a pre-game skate with Burrows, Burr didn't initiate their little chat. And I'm glad Myers did what he did...something has to be said. Whether it hurts us or not...wasn't like we were getting great officiating. It's time this league wake up and realize they can't pull their stunts...they'll lose fans and revenue mighty quick if they think we're tuning in to watch their gong show. I know they don't care but they better start caring.
  3. Damn, just missed on that last one. 6-3 Canucks Miller Suck it refs
  4. It's sad....I'm almost scared to watch the game. I don't feel excited, I feel stressed out and nervous. I didn't bargain for this shit. I just hope for a fair game. The team's been good for the most part...I've had enough crap reffing to last me a lifetime though. I'm almost wishing for Trevor Hanson.
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