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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. So you arrive calling us homers. Not a great way to start off. We're all frustrated, but let's try to be kinder.
  2. Coming in here to call people homers. Thanks for coming out. Not a great conversation starter, but fill your boots I guess.
  3. Well yeah...if you're not a homer you're probably a troll or a Leafs fan. So pick your poison. And add something to the topic that isn't inflammatory.
  4. Did you like the roughing call? If that's roughing, my Grandma's in big trouble and should be in the box. Tosslin' our hair and all. Cheek pinches. What a thug. Did you see the puck under DeSmith's pads too? It wasn't that bad "in your opinion". Some others see it differently.
  5. @brilac Our show's on soon. Something to dull the pain with!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. brilac


      That was intense! Another rose ceremony!


      Rose ceremonies are the best! 🌹💔:frantic:

    3. -dlc-


      How'd I miss all this? Oh I remember...I was so pissed about the game I shut my computer off.

      It was intense. I like Maria. Daisy too but we'll see what happens with her.

    4. brilac


      Maria is my gal! I hope she wins! 

  6. This game was such a zoo. I'm trying to just laugh at it all....it's a joke to me. We just really needed some Gene Gene to round it all out. Go full chaos, don't just dabble.
  7. I like your thinking, but the problem is they don't care. They're deaf dumb and blind because all that matters is $$$$ They don't care about integrity, if they did things would have changed after the Bertuzzi incident. Was just smoke and mirrors. If they were hurt in the wallet, they'd care. But there's not enough of us to make an impact. It's sad.
  8. I kinda wish we had Torts as a coach just for this one game today.....
  9. I'm already there. I won't buy another thing. I also usually watch all games that are on - won't be doing that. My team only. So many other things to do than pretend any of this is legit. Playoffs...as soon as they find a way to knock us out, I'm done. I couldn't care less about this deal anymore...it's a gong show. I will watch/support my team, always. They won't chase me from that. But I don't care about any of the rest of it anymore. A cup? We'd have to pry it out of their hands and run as it's just not in the NHL's plan. Their loss.Whatever. I have better things to do with my life than wait for Gary and his harem of refs to find decency and self respect and give us a good product. It's honestly become a spectacle.
  10. That was the second period...we're still working on the first.
  11. Imac dared to go there and is now mopping up his words with his tongue and playing way too nicely today. Maybe someone scolded him. It's nauseating. Nothing changes if you act out of fear and just cower and put up with stuff.
  12. Causing devastating earthquakes on every continent. Followed by tsunamis. Giraffes stampeding everywhere.
  13. Oh remember when they tried to give the Wild this goal? Could see a goal here but couldn't see the puck in our crease when it was under DeSmith Selective eyesight. Or meth?
  14. Not sure where they "saw" the puck at. LOL Stellar job though at seeing through everyone's everything to spot a puck.
  15. Stop. Your take is no better than the rest of ours. We all have opinions and those who don't share yours aren't wrong because of it.
  16. I kind of feel bad for Desmith....I mean, it was a gong show and utter chaos. Loss of focus is only in part on him in my view.
  17. I love Sat Shah....calls it like it is. Good listening right now. Coach wasn't willing to go off...but he is.
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