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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Refs know they've pushed it to the limit. Trying to pretend they're fair.
  2. Don't blame the team. They didn't give themselves penalties. They didn't stop play to try to give Minny a goal that wasn't there. Then assess a penalty that wasn't there because...why not? Canucks in the box. Not blow the whistle dead when the puck's dead in our crease for upwards of a minute. No, that's shitty reffing...and the team doesn't stand a chance with some of this happening. This is inexcusable. The refs are absolute dogshit and shifted the momentum in this one. That's on them. This team is battling hard and deserves a fairer shake. There's only so much you can do when you're trying to move a dumptruck out of your way.
  3. Play of the game: "hit the official" First star right there.
  4. Let's tie this up. That would be so incredible. Watch the refs wither.
  5. You can tell that everyone is fighting to bite their tongue.
  6. He should go punch someone in the face to celebrate that goal. Someone in black and white. Skunkeree.
  7. Yeah but ... momentum's a thing. This game has been so horribly pathetically reffed...it's mind boggling. Team's shellshocked. Blow the f'n whistle when there's a dogpile in our crease and the puck's under there somewhere. Don't stop play to call a phantom (you wish) goal then make up for it with a penalty that wasn't there. I won't even blame this on the team....I can't believe what we've seen that passes for professional officiating. It's a f'n gong show. It got away from them, that part's on them. But God damn, this is next level dogshit we're seeing.
  8. He won't...just makes things worse. Pretend they don't exist. Don't give them the satisfaction. Just beat them anyhow.
  9. Fight back boys. F this league and their shit for brains refs.
  10. People wanting to use this to slam the team need not bother. Sober up with the refs, Canucks are getting shafted here. Honestly, this is next level corrupt reffing. No whistle? I'm sure they saw the puck, right? No.
  11. It's ok, beat them and crush their souls. F this league and their bullshit.
  12. Shorty knows it...."where can they see the puck though" They can't, they're faking it.
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