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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. 3rd two man advantage. Tells us all we need to know. It's really a 4 man advantage though.
  2. A new game....NAME THAT PENALTY. "Speeding" "Too much of that" (what?) "all of it" "Not scoring when we called a goal - other team gets 2 minutes for that" "Made you blink"
  3. As stated in the past.... No team just breezes through unscathed. That's very rare. Lots of games are close. Nail biters, Teams give up leads. It's called hockey and our team's not unique or immune to any of these things. It's harder than it looks...especially, as Myers pointed out, when you're battling 2 teams.
  4. LOL thanks refs, now look what you've done. My Dad just called...he's RANTING. He's an old guy, blood pressure's important. But holy hell, is he mad. FUMING 220/106 Just breathe Dad....refs are ass. We'll still win.
  5. The league surely must see that this is becoming a bit of a...concern? Joke? PLAY STOPPAGE...."GOAL" "Wait, we're going to go ask someone if there was a goal" "No, it was a penalty" For what? TBD
  6. The drugs kicked in. I'm assuming it was acid they dropped.
  7. There's a one eyed hobbling pigeon outside that we feed here. Bet he'd do a better job.
  8. No, they saw a butterfly. Or a squirrel. Or something else.
  9. Chaos. We never do well when there's chaos. Penalty for what. Trying too hard?
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