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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Yes, the game's being officiated by a Roomba and a 97 year old senior from the Glad Gardens retirement home. Should be much better as a result.
  2. Wow, that's a terribly tragic event. Just read...domestic, guy with guns and lots of ammo boarded up in his home with 7 kids (aged 2-15) inside. WTF Those poor kids are going to have some huge scars. My goodness, those heroes who storm in to these situations...then to lose their lives. Strength and love to their families, as well as those kids.
  3. Teams are figuring them out...happens when you're on top. They start watching film and what was effective may start being predictable, that's all. The secret's out. Also, give credit to some great goaltending....Hellebuyck was good. It's not just about what we're (not) doing, it's what they're doing.
  4. Wild. Morning. There isn't enough coffee for this. (Just remembered I still have Christmas Baileys in the fridge....is it still good?)
  5. Thing is, he's probably having to bite his tongue in how he really feels. Imac and Myers sort of opening up a bit about it. That game was horribly officiated and contributed to the end result...although our pp didn't help. So, while it's not an excuse, it's a factor. Sadly, this team doesn't get the benefit of the doubt in calls a lot of the time, so it is a learning experience. To keep calm and carry on when that happens. He and the team know what's up. He doesn't have to show his real feelings in interviews....I'd prefer he just give them the canned responses and take the high road. It doesn't do us any good to do it any other way. Green did that when we were awful....this team is a bit different. And they can be cut an excuse for losing a game...they've earned it. The coach isn't too concerned and I'm not sure we should be. They played a good, tough game and lost. It's ok.
  6. In their defense, they did JUST MISS on a few tip ins on the pp.
  7. We good or no? Truth be told, I'd rather have these two calling our game at this point. But, it is what is:
  8. I really liked his play last game....I'm pulling for him to do well. I just wish he could lay a hit without the refs hating on him. Bunch of lions.
  9. JT's good at moving things around and getting different looks. Petey's too predictable....love him, but he used to use subtle little moves to open up space for himself. He's just not as effective when he's standing there, waiting.
  10. Yes but he wasn't wrong. It is a learning experience. They let the emotion of that game carry them away and they became focused on the wrong things. They played really well last game, until they fell apart in frustration. They out shot, out hit and, except for the pp, outplayed the Jets for stretches. It was by no means a bad game by them. When it was 2-2 they were very much in it. Then the wheels fell off. That's a lesson to be learned....to not lose composure because the other team's goading them into that. Stay the course. Personally, I'm glad they fought back but it took a toll and they got caught up in that game. Refs were ass, so that was part of it.
  11. Thing is, the screaming mass out there....flying airplanes and blowing smoke, aren't necessarily the best judges. They like to hear themselves speak and turn the volume up. A lot of sheeple out there too...they pick up on what's being thrown around. The powers that be knew what Miller was. A heart and soul player who, yes, sometimes let the emotions take over....but for all the right reasons. He hates losing. That's a guy you want on your team...one who's all in. Miller already knew that he danced on the line and what pushed him to excel also pushed him over the edge at times. It wasn't something he was unaware of...Tocchet helps remind him at times and does it the right way. Not poking at him or yelling....letting him know when he needs a cool down period. And Miller listens because he knows. It's hard to turn that passion on/off and sometimes it caught him in the tide. But I'd hate him to ever lose that edge and know he isn't the type who will. It's what makes him great.
  12. Wrong. The hit was totally described here: And yet, Hoglander got penalized...how'd you feel about his clean hit(s)? That were called by a ref who was still stuck (Auger style) in the previous game? It's horse poop. Even if you don't see it that way. Most do...
  13. Looking at the snow in that video/other places...I'm sure happy to live here. I know we got our share this year, but I'm not a fan of winter at all.
  14. Too bad, I feel we really need 7 and 81 to be the best we can be. Joshua's a real heart and soul player...quickly becoming a favourite.
  15. So I think I told y'all that I sent a Karen email about how they treated my friend in a wheelchair and I. I said (and meant) I didn't want anything...tickets, etc. Just to bring it to their attention to clean this stuff up. They still responded with "we want to give you a g/c for food and drink at your next game". I just got it....$25. OK, we'll split a beer, thanks. LOL
  16. I really like the raw honesty that both of these guys bring. No beating around the bush, just straight up good communication. Love Tocchet, he brings a good balance of coaching and listening....gets feedback and info from his players that helps him do his job. Not all coaches are open to that. Ego can get in the way..."I'm the coach" stuff of authority (mongering). Bruce was maybe too good a guy....less coach, more friend. Loved him, but Tocch's giving them some good structure and tools for the toolbox.
  17. I really enjoy Dan and the others at 650 (Sat's my favourite). Looking forward to it. Morning games are great for me (get stuff done afterward) but we'll see how the team fares. Hoping they get a better set of officials and a fair shake at things. Last game messed with them mentally and they bought in and lost focus. All business this game.
  18. That's who I had in mind when I typed it.
  19. I can't imagine how he feels...knowing he can't play the same game as some others. It's all wrong. When guys like Myers and Imac start speaking out....you know it's building. Something's got to be done to address the piss poor officiating. This is where the Jets need a pregame Auger skate to tell them what's up. And subsequent follow through.
  20. Clean hit. LMAO There's a picture up there for those who slept through the game.
  21. I much prefer that than no response. It's showing a true team unity and these guys go to bat for one another. They don't just skate away shaking their heads.
  22. You may not have seen it, but perhaps you weren't watching. Many others did.
  23. It's never the Canucks doing it right....ever. For some. I'm glad PDG did what he did. I'm sad the refs suck so badly that teams can headhunt our guys but we can't go back at them. It's a poor state of affairs, despite people thinking it's better than it was in 1960. No one should be justifying this shitshow. It's dangerous to allow Lowry off the hook for this...next one might really do some damage. Again...it may be Myers or Big Z who dole one of these...are they getting a free pass too? But let's go back to Bure to somehow try to do so (justify stuff). What about(ism). Pathetic.
  24. Some people just don't like when people have opinions that are different than theirs and will argue against the grain....even when there's evidence proving them wrong.They'll post a silly meme to glance over the evidence. Lowry's hit was brutal but our guys don't lie on the ice writhing in pain like they're dead. Gotta take a page out of Pionk's book. If this hit was deemed clean, then for sure Hoggy's and Myer's hits were clean. It matters...changes the momentum and face of a game. But yes, our pp has to capitalize and didn't so that's where they should focus. We're not going to get the calls....refs are idiots. But learn to maximize the ones we do get. Jets are dirty, phoney bastards who get away with stuff and it gives them an edge. Their performances to sell calls to the refs is embarrassing and refs buying in....even more so. No self respect (or for the game) in that stuff. It makes the league look bush league when they officiate a game this way.
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